Error in UseMethod("recode") : no applicable method for 'recode' applied to an object of class "c('tbl_df', 'tbl', 'data.frame')" Contributor cderv commented Sep 2, 2018 recode is a function that applies on vector only, not data.frame or tibble as the error says. See ?recode ...
_authorization, mysql_event_command, mysql_event_connection, mysql_event_query, mysql_event_tracking_authentication_data, mysql_event_tracking_command_data, mysql_event_tracking_connection_data, mysql_event_tracking_query_data, options_parser::result, privilege_result, PROF_MEASUREMENT, st_sys_tbl_...
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3)), row.names = c(NA, -15L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")) fit <- glmmTMB(Dead ~ TrtTime + (1|RepNumber), family = betabinomial, dispformula = ~ 0 + poly(TrtTime,2), data = df) I have been having this problem ...
5daba757-fbe2-48df-9ae7-4c67f4ba88f8This document has the sentence Some moved text. moved to the first sentence in the document. This revision is represented using the following WordprocessingML:XML Copy <w:p> <w:moveToRangeStart w:id="0"… w:name="move1" /> <w:moveTo w:id...
DF_FILE_ID_OFFSET : mysql::binlog::event::Delete_file_event dfield_t() : dfield_t dfile : MI_INFO dfsm_states : anonymous_namespace{}::DFSMStateEqual< DFSMState >, anonymous_namespace{}::DFSMStateHash< DFSMState > diag_area : MY_SQL_PARS...
5daba757-fbe2-48df-9ae7-4c67f4ba88f8This document has the sentence Some moved text. moved to the first sentence in the document. This revision is represented using the following WordprocessingML:XML Copy <w:p> <w:moveToRangeStart w:id="0"… w:name="move1" /> <w:moveTo w:id...
d17e7cf9-f894-4f55-99a6-50d50df80a66The resulting WordprocessingML for the revision would appear as follows:XML 複製 <w:tbl> … <w:tr> <w:tc> <w:r> <w:t>One</w:t> </w:r> </w:tc> <w:tc> <w:r> <w:t>Two</w:t> </w:r> </w:tc> </w:tr> <w:tr> <w:...
5daba757-fbe2-48df-9ae7-4c67f4ba88f8This document has the sentence Some moved text. moved to the first sentence in the document. This revision is represented using the following WordprocessingML:XML 複製 <w:p> <w:moveToRangeStart w:id="0"… w:name="move1" /> <w:moveT...
Team-based Learning (TBL) has sound conceptual and empirical backing and is seeing growing partial and full adoption in economics. However, perceived implementation costs and risk remain high for many instructors wary of fully implementing TBL. Additionally, common economics problems are often ill-...