1. 解释std::auto_ptr被弃用的原因 std::auto_ptr是C++98标准中引入的一个智能指针,旨在自动管理动态分配的内存。然而,std::auto_ptr存在几个严重的设计缺陷,导致其在新版本的C++标准中被弃用并最终在C++17中被移除: 所有权转移问题:当std::auto_ptr对象被赋值或被复制到另一个std::auto_ptr对象时,所有权...
static std::auto_ptr<rpcserver_booter_aggregator> aggregator;所属命名空间及标识符:using std::...
This is unfortunate but C++11 deprecated std::auto_ptr. CharLS codebase should be updated in favor of std:unique_ptr. It may be non-trivial to have a portable solution, see: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/291141/how-to-ha...
Wraps a smart pointer around a resource that ensures the resource is destroyed automatically when control leaves a block.Starting in C++11, use unique_ptr instead of auto_ptr. For more information, see unique_ptr class. auto_ptr was deprecated in C++11 and removed in C++17....
#include <memory> #include <vector> class Foo { public: ~Foo() { } std::unique_ptr<int> bar; }; int main() { std::vector<Foo> foos; foos.emplace_back(); } yields the following error message in g++: In file included from /usr/include/c++/4.8/memory:64:0, ...
auto value = make_unique<SomeClass>(); 我想在下面的地图中使用这些 map<string, unique_ptr<SomeClass>> myMap; 当我做以下事情时, myMap.emplace(key, value); 我得到这个错误: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<SomeClass>>::empla...
template <class Other> shared_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr<Other>&& sp) noexcept; template <class Other> shared_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr<Other>&& ap); // deprecated in C++11, removed in C++17 template <class Other, class Deleter> shared_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<Other, Deleter>&& up); ...
template <class Other> shared_ptr& operator=(shared_ptr<Other>&& sp) noexcept; template <class Other> shared_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr<Other>&& ap); // deprecated in C++11, removed in C++17 template <class Other, class Deleter> shared_ptr& operator=(unique_ptr<Other, Deleter>&& up); ...
Anrvalueof typestd::nullptr_t. Ptr Apointer. Deleter Adeleterfunction that is bound to aunique_ptr. Exceptions No exceptions are generated byunique_ptr. Remarks Theunique_ptrclass supersedesauto_ptr, and can be used as an element of C++ Standard Library containers. ...
~auto_ptr() {//destroy the objectdelete_Myptr; } delete语句可以确保这块空间在auto_ptr对象被清除时被释放掉。这可以解决异常发生时内存泄漏的问题。 于是,下面的程序也不再需要delete语句了。 voidf() { std::auto_ptr<ClassA> i_ptr(newClassA); ...