and celebrate with people you may not have seen for years. Your high school or college reunion will be a success with the planning and preparation ideas provided by this article. We have ideas for class reunion themes, decorations, games, activities, and food. We also...
75 High School Reunion Ideas As part of our partnership with to survey alumni about high school reunions, we also asked respondents for tips and ways that they would improve their class reunion. Here is the big list of ideas to help with your high school reunion planning. ...
Judy Kennedy was one of my good friends in high school, but I hadn’t really thought about her until I noticed her email address in the material we received after our 40th reunion. When I saw her name I remembered how much I liked her and how I would like to find out about her lif...
he encounteredLinda Hoff Irvinat Chicago Botanical Garden. They recognized each other despite not having been in the same place for more than 50 years. Linda had another reunion when her roommateCarol Colemanvisited while in Chicago for her son’s engagement party. They had not seen each other ...
website up for another five years. Please contact us if you have any questions or suggestions. We are always happy to hear from you and would love other ideas and suggestions on how to make this a fun reunion. Our mailings are costly and a lot of work, so please watch our website,...
UPCOMING EVENT : 60 YEAR REUNION OCTOBER 5 ,2024 We hope you plan on attending our 60th Reunion on October 5 th. If you have not received the information details and survey request, please let us know. Your 60th Reunion Committee
Keep most of the money in the bank in case somebody wants to organize a 1960 reunion IN MONTCLAIR. Split up the money and let classmates draw on it to plan mini-reunions in various parts of the country. Use the money to join forces with other MHS classes for a multi-class reunion. Fo...
Can you believe they were married for 70 years! Many of us got to meet Vi as she and Coach attended our 50th reunion. What a special night it was for them to travel north and share stories from our time together at APHS. And the highlight of the night was when coach handed out ...
12345+0%20%40%60%0%65%8%7%10%12%65% 12% 12%of respondents helped plan their reunion. 66% 66%of reunion planners talked to the previous year's reunion planner or classmates for help/ideas. How many months were spent planning your reunion?
She has been married 20 yes twenty years! Congratulations! The classmate who traveled the farthest was Cyndi (Parsons) Parrish from North Carolina. The classmate with the most children was Kathleen (O'Neil) Cabe. Seven children was the largest of the attendees at the reunion. The classmate ...