Internet connectivity for downloading CapCut and accessing course materials. Eagerness to learn and unleash your creativity through video editing. Meet Your Teacher Dr. Rasheed Follow Digital Content Creator Teacher Hi guys, I am Dr. Rasheed, a lecturer, speaker, and YouTuber with a PhD in...
The caption for his photograph is “I painted somebody’s mom”. Two days later, Amer, a student in Canada, painted a picture of Zetterstrand holding his painting of Decker holding her painting. Her caption read, “I painted the guy who painted the other guy’s mom”. The artist Vince...
Konstantinos Synodinos Follow simply digital Teacher 0 - 2 million followers on TikTok in 8 months / 3.4 billion views in 1 year Brand and Digital Marketer for +20 Years, CEO & Founder of and MBA Graduate from the University of Pirae...
caption for his photograph is “I painted somebody’s mom.” Two days later, Amer, a student in Canada, painted a picture of Zetterstrand holding his painting of Decker holding her painting. Her caption read, “I painted the guy who painted the other guy’s mom.” The artist Vince Law...
listening to a teacher who had just one year of experience but who thought that was all I needed to change the world while I was figuring out how to "grade" papers. I am so appreciative of the patience all those students had for that teacher, who had little idea of what his job was...
Each photo gallery has up to 12 photos per page, and there may be multiple pages in a gallery, so be sure to check for additional pages. If you need help telling who's who, just hold your mouse over the photo and a caption may appear. Click on the photo if you want to enlarge ...
Check out this band of brothers - Buffaloes all - by clicking here and reading the caption. They represent the Milby classes of '59, '60, '67, and '68. Can you guess which of these fine young men belong to the Milby Class of 1960? (click photo to enlarge) *** Carolyn Smith Pfe...
TeacherLindsey Dalysays that one of her favorite lesson plans is where she asks students to create Facebook profiles for historical figures. She calls this the “Fakebook” project. Students are given a list of details they need to include, such as a profile picture, three interests and three...
‘A Class Act’is Chip’s debut collection published byFlipped Eye, the incubator for many of our most highly regarded poets such as Warsan Shire and Malika Booker. Oh, and you’ve got to love the BJ pic from Chip’s day job back in 2012 (if you like, you can put a caption to ...
Ask learners to do the same with their picture in pairs. As a follow up they could write the caption for the photo on a separate piece of paper. Collect the captions and photos. Redistribute them to the learners, who now have to find the photo to match the caption. ...