quantum computer as a Turing machine generalizationThe CMI Millennium "P vs NP Problem" can be resolved e.g. if one shows at least one counterexample to the "P = NP" conjecture. A certain class of probSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Gender-based stratification was evident in the Eastern Zhou period, as reflected in the Guo Yu (国语, Discourses of the States) “男女之别, 国之大节也, 不可无也 [the distinction between males and females is a fundamental aspect of the state, which cannot be ignored]” (Xu 2002, p. 14...
CString GetText( int nPane, int* pType = NULL) const; int GetText( LPCTSTR lpszText, int nPane, int* pType = NULL) const; Parameters lpszText Address of the buffer that receives the text. This parameter is a null-terminated string. ...
The problem of determining whether an arbitrary graph is a planar is in the class {bf P} and it can be solved with a polynomial time algorithm. But the problem of determining whether there is a planar in arbitrary subgraphs, which have identical order, of $sumlimits_{nu=1}^{L}dbinom{...
CLASS和NP 压力上的区别 下载积分: 5000 内容提示: 按照你的表述压力 150LB 表示的是工程压力(物理学叫压强) , 国外, 对于压力, 常用的压强单位是“psi”, 单位是“1 pound/inch2” 就是“磅/平方英寸”, 英文全称为 Pounds per square inch。 但是更常用的是直接称呼其质量单位, 即磅(LB.), 实际这...
The STAND class belongs to the additional strand, catalytic E division of P-loop NTPases together with the AAA+ ATPases, RecA/helicase-related ATPases, ABC-ATPases, and VirD4/PilT-like ATPases. The STAND proteins are distinguished from other P-loop NTPases by the presence of unique ...
而CLass美标是指在425.5℃下所对应的压力。所以在工程互换中不能只单纯的 进行压力换算,如CLass300#单纯用压力换算应是2.1MPa,但如果考虑到使用 温度的话,它所对应的压力就升高了,根据材料的温度耐压试验测定相当于 5.0MPa。 阀门的体系有2种:一种是德国(包括我国)为代表的以常温下(我国是100 ...
(Condition negative) 5 3 P(Condition positive or support) 3 5 POP(Population) 8 8 PPV(Precision or positive predictive value) 1.0 0.71429 TN(True negative/correct rejection) 5 1 TON(Test outcome negative) 7 1 TOP(Test outcome positive) 1 7 TP(True positive/hit) 1 5 TPR(Sensitivity, ...
pItem A pointer to a TVITEM structure, as described in the Windows SDK.Return ValueNonzero if successful; otherwise 0.ExampleSee the example for CTreeCtrl::DeleteItem.CTreeCtrl::GetItemDataCall this function to retrieve the 32-bit application-specific value associated with the specified item....