Diet and social stratification As the Li Ji (礼记, Book of Rites) states “夫礼之初, 始诸饮食 [the beginning of rituals began with food and drink]” (Ruan 1980, p. 1415). Food was a vital part of the social rituals during the Eastern Zhou period, hence was heavily influenced by thi...
We obtain a new definition of creativeness for NP, called NP-creativeness. We show that all NP-creative sets are NP-complete and provide strong evidence that all known NP-complete sets are NP-creative. We also show that all NP-creative sets are complete under exponentially honest reductions an...
Comparison between clone A1 and H4: CaCo2, ns.; 293, p = 0.0184; CHO, p < 0.0001. Cath Cathepsin, CT C-terminus, GS glycine serine-rich linker, NP naked phage. Full size image Catalytic activity of the isolated fractions was evaluated next. Due to variable expression of ...
P vs NPTuring machinecomputation timequantum computerquantum computer as a Turing machine generalizationThe CMI Millennium "P vs NP Problem" can be resolved e.g. if one shows at least one counterexample to the "P = NP" conjecture. A certain class of prob...
<p>Ruft den Abdeckungsstatus für den letzten erfolgreichen Build einer Definition ab, optional auf eine bestimmte Verzweigung</p> TypeScript Kopie function getCoverageStatusBadge(project: string, definition: string, branchName?: string, label?: string): Promise<string> Parameter project string ...
(F1 score - harmonic mean of precision and sensitivity) 0.5 0.83333 FN(False negative/miss/type 2 error) 2 0 FP(False positive/type 1 error/false alarm) 0 2 FPR(Fall-out or false positive rate) 0.0 0.66667 N(Condition negative) 5 3 P(Condition positive or support) 3 5 POP(Population...
Therefore, a complete set of solutions to the primal problems is obtained. The extremality of these solutions are controlled by the triality theory discovered recently [D.Y. Gao (2000). Duality Principles in Nonconvex Systems: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. xviii, p. 454. Kluwer ...
The planar graph 3-colorability (P3C) is one of {bf NP}-complete problem. Duo to probably appearing the second type of mistake in setting colors, a computational algorithm might repeat many times to decide whether it can correct wrong coloring in many examined subgraphs. Then one can turn P3...
There is no special context for parallel sections. Please use apymp.rangeorpymp.xrangeandif-elseto achieve the expected behavior: with pymp.Parallel(4) as p: for sec_idx in p.xrange(4): if sec_idx == 0: p.print('Section 0') elif sec_idx == 1: p.print('Section 1') ... ...
nPart [in] Identifier for the part. Must be set to TVGIPR_BUTTON.lpRect [out] Pointer to a RECT structure. If this method is successful, the structure receives the rectangle coordinates of the part specified by hItem and nPart.Return Value...