Embryo, when differentiated, always with one cotyledon. The cotyledon usually with two main vascular bundles. Leaf venation striate or of derived types, mostly arcuate-striate or longitudinally striate (parallel), less often palmate-striate or pinnate-st
(9) Differentiation of vascular tissues : Auxins induce the differentiation of xylem and phloem in intact plants and also in callus produced in vitro during tissue culture experiments. (10) Sex expression : The spray of auxins increases the number of female flowers in cucurbits. In maize applic...
Since these parts of the stem differ mainly in the degree of xylem development, this suggests that CAN1 nuclease can be involved in this process. This assumption has been confirmed by experiments conducted to identify the genes involved in development of different parts of the vascular bundle, i...
Plant class III peroxidases exist as a large multigenic family involved in numerous functions suggesting a functional specialization of each gene. However, few genes have been linked with a specific function. Consequently total peroxidase activity is sti
(Fig.2; TableS1). Self-grafted AC/AC plants were significantly larger thanbrt/brtplants, confirming the negative effect of thebrt-2mutation observed (Fig.1) and providing quantification of the difference; shoot DW and root DW were both 3.4-fold greater in AC/AC vsbrt-2/brt-2. The AC ...
Another stimuli-responsive example is cis-trans isomerization of retinal induced by light which enables vision [6]. The presented examples show how simple and, simultaneously, complex are the stimuli-triggered responses observed in the world of plants and animals and how important they are for the...
Plant class III peroxidases exist as a large multigenic family involved in numerous functions suggesting a functional specialization of each gene. However, few genes have been linked with a specific function. Consequently total peroxidase activity is sti
Non-conserved introns that are found in certain genes are shown in other colors, e.g., brown in PpPRX11. PpPRX genes are grouped according to clade in the Maximum-Likelihood phylogenetic tree (Figure 2). Architecture of PRX genes from vascular plants and algae are given for comparison. ...
However, this is then limited to a certain crop type or clone, and temporal and spatial control of induction is difficult, for example, GMOs have often proven less productive. Most importantly, in Europe the practical use of transgenic plants in routine agriculture is strictly regulated by ...