--- title: "Quarto Playground" format: revealjs: logo: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mcanouil/hex-stickers/main/SVG/rlille.svg embed-resources: true --- ## Slide This is a playground for Quarto.  The class="slide-logo" is lost wh...
Hello All, I'm facing Run time error 1004 sometime when I run code & sometime code works perfectly. for few user code run but few user face this issue. earlier it was working fine for all. when I ...
.logo.react:hover { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2em #61dafbaa); } @keyframes logo-spin { from { transform: rotate(0deg); } to { transform: rotate(360deg); } } @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) { a:nth-of-type(2) .logo { animation: logo-spin infinite 20s linear; ...
I can't use our company logo because Adobe doesn't allow Pantone colors?" So, Quark it is. Now to find a Photoshop alternative because most of these updates have been things that either slow down my work flow to such a point it's nervewracking...
( 'logo url: ' + logo ) ; string ns = tsr . getnamespace ( ) ; if ( ns == '' ) { system . debug ( 'the ' + appname + ' app has no namespace defined.' ) ; } else { system . debug ( 'namespace: ' + ns ) ; } // get the number of tabs system ....
( 'logo url: ' + logo ) ; string ns = tsr . getnamespace ( ) ; if ( ns == '' ) { system . debug ( 'the ' + appname + ' app has no namespace defined.' ) ; } else { system . debug ( 'namespace: ' + ns ) ; } // get the number of tabs system ....
I have updated code as per suggestion & its almost working for all member except one or two member😞 getting error as below with one Is something wrong in paste action? need to paste in any other way? should I use .pastespecial instead of .paste?
141 Best Valentine's Day Quotes for Him (Love Messages) (December 30, 2024) 79 Healthy Setting Boundaries Examples (if you struggle) (December 26, 2024) 91 Powerful Law of Attraction Quotes to Live Your Best Life (December 17, 2024) 349 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend (deepen the connecti...
“image”: “https://www.class101.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/75/2021/05/logo.png”,“@id”: “”,“url”: “https://www.class101.com/mobileal/”,“telephone”: “2515296811”,“address”: {“@type”: “PostalAddress”,“streetAddress”: “1555 S. University Blvd., Ste 101”,...