isModal:this.options.isModal }) } / * 关闭对话框 *@returns */ closeCustomDialog() { if (this.contentNode) { this.promptAction?.closeCustomDialog(this.contentNode); } return this; } } export default new DialogUtil() /** * 普通dialog入参对象 */ class DialogOptions { title?: Resource...
* maskRect:弹窗遮蔽层区域, * isModal:弹窗是否为模态窗口,
Applies to:SharePoint Foundation 2010 Represents a modal dialog. SP.UI.ModalDialog Inherits SP.UI.Dialog Class See Also Reference SP.UI.ModalDialog Methods SP.UI.ModalDialog Properties SP.UI Namespace Other Resources SP.UI.ModalDialog Fields...
element-ui框架的el-dialog弹出框被遮罩层挡住了 如图: 解决办法在el-dialog标签里添加 :modal-append-to-body='false' 实现效果: 问题解析 先来看看element-ui官网提供的属性说明文档 文档解释:翻译成大白话就是,若el-dialog弹出框设置了modal-append-to-body='true'(默认)属性,它的遮罩层就会被插入到body标签...
Finds the parent/owner of the dialog from the Visual Studio shell and display the dialog Sets the shell in modal state while the dialog is shown, and centers correctly the dialog in the parent window. Note: If the dialog is parented to a WPF window, ShowDialog() can also be used to ...
BootstrapDialog.confirm对话框关闭的速度要比A对话框显示的速度滞后,这样就会出现A对话框的modal("show")调用滞后confirm对话框才消失,confirm对话框的消失会删除body的modal-openclass属性,这个属性的缺失导致了A对话框无法滚动到底部的问题。 所以要解决这个问题就必须确保confirm对话框消失后再调用A对话框的modal("sho...
CDialog::EndDialogCloses a modal dialog box. CDialog::GetDefIDGets the ID of the default pushbutton control for a dialog box. CDialog::GotoDlgCtrlMoves the focus to a specified dialog-box control in the dialog box. CDialog::InitModalIndirectCreates a modal dialog box from a dialog-box tem...
A pointer to the parent or owner window object (of type CWnd) to which the dialog object belongs. If it's NULL, the dialog object's parent window is set to the main application window.nIDTemplate Contains the ID number of a dialog-box template resource.n...
FolderBrowserDialog is a modal dialog box; therefore, when shown, it blocks the rest of the application until the user has chosen a folder. When a dialog box is displayed modally, no input (keyboard or mouse click) can occur except to objects on the dialog box. The program must hide or...
CDialog::CreateIndirect Creates a modeless dialog box from a dialog-box template in memory (not resource-based). CDialog::DoModal Calls a modal dialog box and returns when done. CDialog::EndDialog Closes a modal dialog box. CDialog::GetDefID Gets the ID of the default pushbutton control ...