For example, you can group the items by the initial letter of the item name when they are sorted alphabetically, or by subitems such as type or date when the list is sorted by clicking a column header in the details view. Windows Explorer uses this type of grouping....
withValue public ActionGroupList withValue(List value) Set the value property: The list of action groups. Parameters: value - the value value to set. Returns: the ActionGroupList object itself.Applies to Azure SDK for Java Latest在GitHub 上與我們共同作業 您可以在 GitHub 上找到此內容的來源,...
- Post to your class or year group - Fundraise with a raffle - Set up interest groups to bring parents together. Create groups to coordinate with your PTA team for specific events too! “We are really liking Classlist. It’s different to social media because it’s well controlled.”— ...
GroupResult Hair HairColor HairColorType HeadPose IdentifyCandidate IdentifyOptionalParameter IdentifyRequest IdentifyResult ImageUrl ListPersonGroupPersonsOptionalParameter ListPersonGroupsOptionalParameter Makeup NameAndUserDataContract Noise NoiseLevel Occlusion PersistedFace Person PersonGroup S...
TreeStructureGroup UnpackagedExtensionData UnsupportedFilter UnsupportedSubscriptionChannel UpdateBoard UpdateBoardItem UpdateBoardItemList UpdatedProperties UpdatePlan UpdateProcessModel UpdateProcessRuleRequest UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeFieldRequest UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeRequest UpdateProjectRetentionSettingModel UpdateRefs...
TreeStructureGroup UnpackagedExtensionData Nepodporovaný filtr UnsupportedSubscriptionChannel UpdateBoard UpdateBoardItem UpdateBoardItemList Aktualizované vlastnosti Plán aktualizace UpdateProcessModel UpdateProcessRuleRequest UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeFieldRequest UpdateProcessWorkItemTypeRequest UpdateProjectRetention...
The list of the members of the group. void setNextToken(String nextToken) A pagination token that can be used in a subsequent request. void setRequestId(String requestId) The Amazon Web Services request ID for this operation. void setStatus(Integer status) The HTTP status o...
Choose the Add button to add all students in the list to your class group. If your school has already created class groups, ask your IT Admin for the name of your class group. Notes: To add educators to this class team, add them to the class group, then go to the Role column and...
@Generated(value="com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public classListGroupsOlderThanOrderingIdResultextendsAmazonWebServiceResult<ResponseMetadata> implementsSerializable,Cloneable See Also: AWS API Documentation,Serialized Form Constructor Summary ...
ListControlConvertEventArgs ListControlConvertEventHandler ListView ListView.CheckedIndexCollection ListView.CheckedListViewItemCollection ListView.ColumnHeaderCollection ListView.ListViewItemCollection ListView.SelectedIndexCollection ListView.SelectedListViewItemCollection ListViewAlignment ListViewGroup ListViewGroupCollapsedState...