1. Object level lock in Java Object level lock is mechanism when we want to synchronize a non-static method or non-static code block such that only one thread will be able to execute the code block on given instance of the class. This should always be done to make instance level data ...
java.lang.Object com.azure.core.util.ExpandableStringEnum<T> com.azure.resourcemanager.resources.models.LockLevel public final class LockLevel extends ExpandableStringEnum<LockLevel>The level of the lock. Possible values are: NotSpecified, CanNotDelete, ReadOnly. CanNotDelete means authorized users are ...
Gets or sets an arbitrary object value that can be used to store custom information about this element. (Inherited from FrameworkElement) Template Gets or sets a control template. (Inherited from Control) TemplatedParent Gets a reference to the template parent of this element. This property...
The exception that is thrown when recursive entry into a lock is not compatible with the recursion policy for the lock.C# 复制 public class LockRecursionException : ExceptionInheritance Object Exception LockRecursionException ExamplesThe following example shows two causes of LockRecursionException when ...
A线程持有Object的Lock锁,B线程如果在这时调用object中的synchronized方法,则需要等待锁,也就是同步。 packagecn.qlq.thread.four;importorg.slf4j.Logger;importorg.slf4j.LoggerFactory;publicclassDemo3extendsThread {publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args) {finalSyncObj2 syncObj2 =newSyncObj2();newThread(newRunna...
(Inherited from Object) HasWindowFocus Returns true if this activity's <em>main</em> window currently has window focus. Immersive Bit indicating that this activity is "immersive" and should not be interrupted by notifications if possible. -or- Adjust the current immersive mode setting. Inst...
FavoritesSecuredObject FeatureAvailabilityRestClient FunkceFlag FeatureFlagPatch FeatureManagementRestClient FetchTestResultsRequest FetchTestResultsResponse PoleDependentRule FieldDetailsForTestResults Fieldinfo PoleInputValues Model pole Model pole Fieldreference Model FieldRuleModel Nastavení pole Fieldtype Fieldtype...
SceneObject Singleton SubMesh Sampler SwapChain Shader ShaderStage ScreenQuad TimerManager TouchInputEvent Transform TweenManager Texture TextureMemoryBarrier UniformBuffer Vector2 Vector3 Vector4 VirtualResourceBase VirtualResource Enum Value Summary AnimationPlayMode AccessFlagBit...
HwArObject HwArPlane HwArPoint HwArPointCloud HwArPose HwArAugmentedImage HwArAugmentedImageDatabase HwArSceneMesh HwArSession HwArTarget HwArTrackable HwArTrackableList Enum Value Summary HwArAnimojiBlendShape HwArAnimojiTriangleLabel HwArAvailability HwArBodyActio...
public static var patchfinder = KernelPatchfinder.running static var kernelBase: UInt64 = 0 static var kernelSlide: UInt64 = 0 // Lock for requests to pciPwn static let requestLock = NSLock() // Lock to notify exception handler to continue static let sendRequestLock = NSLock() // Lock...