Inheritance HierarchyCObjectCGdiObjectCRgnRequirementsHeader: afxwin.hCRgn::CombineRgnCreates a new GDI region by combining two existing regions.Copy int CombineRgn( CRgn* pRgn1, CRgn* pRgn2, int nCombineMode); ParameterspRgn1 Identifies an existing region....
Inheritance Hierarchy CObject CCmdTarget CWnd COleControl Requirements Header: afxctl.h COleControl::AmbientBackColor Returns the value of the ambient BackColor property. Copy OLE_COLOR AmbientBackColor(); Return Value The current value of the container's ambient BackColor property, if any. If th...
In the above example, we create a class,DelftStack, and we use it as the base class for another class,DelftStack2. Using inheritance, we were able to inherit the public functionFunc()of the base class and use it with the object of theDelftStack2class. ...
of MyClass on the stack, but you can't derive from MyClass. You can use MakeSealed to make other classes sealed, but you have to add them as friends. MyClass uses MakeSealed as a virtual base class so you don't run into problems if you use multiple inheritance. Pretty clever, eh?
In some languages, there is no way you could have two parents, because there could be situations which would create ambiguities that would have no way of determine to which class data belongs. In C++, you resolve this problem using virtual inheritance. ...
As in C++, you can use a private constructor to prevent programmers from creating instances of Singleton. To prohibit inheritance, declare your class sealed. (In C++ you can do this by making all constructors private.) Instead of a static object inside a static GetInstance function, as shown...
Inheritance Object CoreDispatcher Attributes ContractVersionAttribute MarshalingBehaviorAttribute Implements ICoreAcceleratorKeys Windows requirements Expand table Device family Windows 10 (introduced in 10.0.10240.0) API contract Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (introduced in v1.0) Remarks Instances...
Inheritance Hierarchy Prikaži još 7 Encapsulates a discrete transition. Syntax class CDiscreteTransition : public CBaseTransition; Members Public Constructors NameDescription CDiscreteTransition::CDiscreteTransitionConstructs a discrete transition object and initializes its parameters. ...
Inheritance HierarchyCObject└ CCmdTarget └ CWnd └ CBasePane └ CPane └ CDockablePane └ CMFCTasksPaneRequirementsHeader: afxTasksPane.hCMFCTasksPane::AddGroupAdds a new group of tasks to the task pane control.Copy...
Inheritance Object BatchBlock<T> Implements IDataflowBlock IPropagatorBlock<T,T[]> IReceivableSourceBlock<T[]> ISourceBlock<T[]> ISourceBlock<TOutput> ITargetBlock<T> ITargetBlock<TInput> Remarks备注 The TPL Dataflow Library (the System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow namespace) is not distributed with...