This project provides aHashMapclass that works both onNode.jsand thebrowser. HashMap instancesstore key/value pairsallowingkeys of any type. Unlike regular objects,keys will not be stringified. For example numbers and strings won't be mixed, you can passDate's,RegExp's, DOM Elements, anyth...
In Node.js, data returns in a Readable stream readableStreamBody In browsers, data returns in a promise blobBody TypeScript Copy function download(offset?: number, count?: number, options?: BlobDownloadOptions) Parameters offset number From which position of the blob to download, greater than...
(?) Allow extending the hashing function in a AOP way or by passing a service Make tests work on the browserAbout HashMap JavaScript class for NodeJS and the browser. The keys can be anything and won't be stringified Resources Readme License MIT license Activity Stars 0 stars ...
defaultClientRequestTimeoutInMs 要用于请求的客户端请求的默认超时(以毫秒为单位)。 defaultLocationMode 通过服务发出的请求的默认位置模式。 defaultMaximumExecutionTimeInMs 通过服务发出的请求的所有潜在重试的默认最大执行时间。 defaultTimeoutIntervalInMs 用于通过服务发出的请求的默认超时间隔(以毫秒为单位)。 enab...
public String nodeVersion() Get the nodeVersion property: Version of Node.js. Returns: the nodeVersion value.numberOfWorkers public Integer numberOfWorkers() Get the numberOfWorkers property: Number of workers. Returns: the numberOfWorkers value.php...
那么问题就来了,如何利用 merged.combined.gtf 这个文件获得 class_code 为 u、x和i的转录本的gtf文件呢 找到了一个办法,python中有一个模块 pyGTF,github..._attri['class_code'] == class_code: i.to_gtf(fw) fw.close() 使用方法是 python in.gtf i out.gtf...###今天学到的另外一个...
ecm.model.ProcessInbasket ecm.model.ProcessRole ecm.model.RedactionPolicy ecm.model.RedactionReason ecm.model.Reference ecm.model.Repository ecm.model.RepositoryTreeModel ecm.model.Request ecm.model.ResultSet ecm.model.Role ecm.model.SearchClass ecm.model.SearchConfiguration ecm.model.SearchContentClasses...
在Node.js 中,数据在可读流可读StreamBody 中返回 在浏览器中,数据在 promise blobBody 中返回 downloadToBuffer(Buffer, number, number, BlobDownloadToBufferOptions) 仅在NODE.JS RUNTIME 中可用。将 Azure Blob 并行下载到缓冲区。偏移量和计数是可选的,如果未提供,则下载整个 Blob。 警告:由于Node.js/V8...
values()Returns an Iterator with the values in the list More Examples Add multiple classes to the an element: element.classList.add("myStyle","anotherClass","thirdClass"); Try it Yourself » Remove multiple classes from an element:
This class can be mixed in to provide easier access to the logging function within the methods of the class. ecm.MessagesMixin This class can be mixed in to provide easier access to the ecm.messages. ecm.model._AttributeMixin Provides methods for attribute objects such as ecm.model.Attribute...