1.最常见的应该是Setup ClassGuid--设备安装类了.当我们打开设备管理器,默认情况下看到的设备列表就是按设备类型---更确切的讲是设备安装类型来排列显示的.比如,windwos将所有的网卡(PCI网卡/无线网卡/外接USB网卡)归到网络适配器一类;将独显集显归到显示适配器一类...windows这样归类的依据是,为同一类设备在驱动...
Your filter driver should use the class and GUID that match the load order group that is specified in your driver's INF file.When your filter driver supplies the appropriate ClassGuid value in the INF file for a device, rather than or in addition to the Class = class-name entry,...
FloppyClassGuid is an obsolete identifier for the device interface class for floppy disk storage devices. Starting Microsoft Windows 2000, use the GUID_DEVINTERFACE_FLOPPY class identifier for new instances of this class.RemarksThe storage samples in the WDK include a floppy driver sample that uses ...
The Microsoft Windows Driver Kit (WDK) includes the USBVIEW sample application. The USBVIEW sample uses GUID_CLASS_USB_HOST_CONTROLLER to enumerate instances of the GUID_CLASS_USB_HOST_CONTROLLER device interface class.RequirementsExpand table Version Obsolete. Starting with Windows 2000, use GUID_...
I am trying to find the "Device class guid" or the "Driver key" for a particular graphic card device (value can be seen in device manager). I've looked intoWin32_VideoControllerandWin32_DisplayConfiguration(among a few others) but it doesn't look like you can get either of those value...
“\??\Volume{GUID}\ 掛接管理員的永續性名稱資料庫位於登錄區 (HKLM/SYSTEM/MountedDevices) 的 MountedDevices登錄機碼中。 除了唯一的磁碟區名稱,掛接管理員也會將其永續性名稱資料庫中儲存裝入點名稱。 裝入點名稱可以進一步細分為兩個類別:Win32 樣式的路徑名稱,做為掛接磁碟區文件系...
The Microsoft Windows Driver Kit (WDK) includes theUSBVIEW sample application. The USBVIEW sample uses GUID_CLASS_USB_DEVICE to register to be notified if instances of the GUID_CLASS_USB_DEVICE interface class are present. Requirements Version ...
int cmdInstall(__in LPCTSTR BaseName, __in LPCTSTR Machine, __in DWORD Flags, __in int argc, __in_ecount(argc) TCHAR* argv[]) { HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; GUID ClassGUID;
Microsoft IPP Class Driver Driver information Manufacturer:Microsoft Latest update in database:21-06-2006 Driver type:Printer ClassGUID:{4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} PNPID Description:Microsoft IPP Class Driver File Name:Microsoft IPP Class Driver ...
The registry can contain values that override the values that a driver specifies when it callsWdfDeviceInitAssignSDDLString,WdfDeviceInitSetDeviceType,WdfDeviceInitSetCharacteristics, andWdfDeviceInitSetExclusive. The driver can callWdfDeviceInitSetDeviceClassto specify a GUID that identifies the section ...