我们可以通过在注册表中修改相关设置或使用第三方软件来实现。禁用自动运行可以减少系统感染恶意软件的机会。 第七步:加密敏感文件 Windows系统提供了BitLocker等工具,可以对硬盘或特定文件夹进行加密。我们可以将敏感的个人文件或商业文件夹加密,以防止未经授权的访问。加密是保护数据隐私的重要手段之一。 第八步:备份重要...
using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Documents; namespace SDKSample { public partial class RichTextBoxExample : Page { public RichTextBoxExample() { StackPanel myStackPanel = new StackPanel(); // Create a FlowDocument to contain content for the RichTex...
Watch this video to learn how OneNote Class Notebook for Windows 10 creates a personal workspace for every student, a content library for teacher handouts, and a collaboration space for the entire classroom.
支持的最低服务器Windows 2000 Server [仅限桌面应用] 标头winuser.h (包括 Windows.h) 另请参阅 BeginPaint 概念 CreateWindow CreateWindowEx GetDC MAKEINTRESOURCE 其他资源 PAINTSTRUCT 参考 RegisterClass UnregisterClass WM_PAINT WNDCLASSEX 窗口类 WindowProc ...
Instead, the Windows Runtime provides the ApplicationView class in the Windows.UI.ViewManagement namespace. This class provides properties, methods, and events that you use when your app interacts with the windowing system. To work with an ApplicationView, call the static ApplicationView.GetFor...
If you have an educator license in your school’s Microsoft 365 subscription, or if you have administrative rights to a class notebook, theClass Notebooktab will be visible in OneNote for Windows 10. To turn on the tab manually, openSettings>Options, and setC...
一个winrt::hstring,其中包含由object表示的Windows 运行时类的完全限定类型名称。 请注意,返回Windows 运行时类的类型,而不是投影类型的类型。 在下面的示例中,C++/WinRT 投影类型为winrt::Windows::Foundation::Uri,但从winrt::get_class_name返回的值是“Windows.Foundation.Uri”,它是运行时类的类型名称。
Azure AI for .NET Azure SDK for .NET Sample code API reference Reference Overview Advisor Alerts Management API for FHIR API Management App Service Overview Management Management - App Service Fluent (deprecated) WindowsAzure Management - WebSites (deprecated) Overview Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management...
Here's how to use built-in styles to align with the Windows 10 type ramp. For more info, see XAML theme resources.XAML Copy <TextBlock Text="Header" Style="{StaticResource HeaderTextBlockStyle}"/> <TextBlock Text="SubHeader" Style="{StaticResource SubheaderTextBlockStyle}"/> <TextBlock...
基本版本的 3.3 Mega Pixels DSC USB Mass Storage Class Adapter for Windows 驅動程式隨附在您的 Windows 中,或是透過安裝最新的 Windows® 更新。 內建驅動程式支援3.3 Mega Pixels DSC USB Mass Storage Class Adapter for Windows硬體的基本功能。請造訪此連結,了解如何...