The.class expectederror in Java is a compilation error that occurs when the Java compiler encounters a situation where it expects a class-related entity but doesn’t find it. This error usually points to issues such as a missing class declaration, incorrect package declaration, misplaced code out...
注意:应该总是 * 可能 * 弄清楚 * 为什么 * 编译器的语法检查器认为类型应该是表达式。但是,通常更...
package\ error: class, interface, or enum expectedpackage ;^package\ error: class, interface, or enum expectedimport com.abcd.A ;^2 errorsReply Replies javin paulMarch 15, 2020 at 2:23 AM package can only be at the top most line, you need to ... error: class, interface, or enum expected public int add(int a) { ^ error: class, interface, or enum expectedreturnb; ^ error: class, interface, or enum expected } ^ 3 errors 在Java 中定义枚举时使用额外的括号 考虑代码示例,它显示了 Java ...
就是没有类或者接口,也就是需要的包你没有import进去 还有一种可能就是你把类的名字写错了
expected是期望的意思,在某一个地方期望是一个java class或者interface,但是你没写,或者写的不是interface或者class 你看看你定义类的时候关键字是不是有错误 public interface 注意拼写
public class OperateDemo { //public, class首字母小写public static void main(String[] args) { //然后我看你命令行提示main拼错了int x = 4270;x = x/1000*1000;System.out.println(x);}}
'class'or ..各位大哥帮帮忙..源程序. import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import
We can run the code and view the output by using the java command. We can see that everything is working fine, and we get the expected output. Error When Incorrect Class File Name Let's deliberately mess things up to view thecould not find or load main classerror. This error can occu... error: class, interface, or enum expected public static void quickSort (Comparable[] data, int min, int max) { ^ error: class, interface, or enum expected if (min < max) { ^ error: class, interface, or enum expected quickSort...