3. Class Dojo Behavior Management: ClassDojo’s behavioral tracking system empowers teachers to create a positive and conducive learning environment. With an array of options to reward positive behavior and address negative behavior, educators can customize the platform to suit their classroom dynamics....
dojo class point for teacher sign in The Dojo Class Point for Teacher Sign-in is a system designed to help teachers keep track of student progress and behavior in the classroom. Here's how it works: 1. Teachers can create customizable point systems to reward students for positive behavior, ...
dojosubscribeinstructionsstudentpositifsenfant InstructionstosubscribetoClassDojo(student) ClassDojoisasystemthatcanhelpyouandyourclassobtainrewards.When youshowapositivebehavior,youaccumulatepositivepoints.However,when youmisbehave,youobtainnegativepoints.WithClassDojo,youhavethe opportunitytoseehowyoubehaveinclass.Youcan...