mermaid官方网址:Class Diagram (。 使用classDiagram开启类图编辑 1. 定义一个类 ① 使用class关键字 语法:class 类名 如:class Employee 2. 定义类的方法与属性 ① 方式一 语法: 类名: 修饰符 属性 注意:修饰符与属性或者方法间不能有space空格 类名: 修饰符 方法(参数) 返回值 注...
Mermaid classDiagram类图应用举例 汉,蜀汉,刘宋关系图 西汉、东汉、蜀汉、刘宋 效果图如下,源代码在后 效果图 篡位 1 3 4 5 6 被俘 禅让 篡权 自称继承 «-201--195» 刘邦 高皇帝 -太祖() «-194--188» 刘盈 惠帝 «-187--184» 刘恭 前少帝 «-183--180» 刘弘 后少帝 «-...
Wiki editor supports only a limited set of mermaid’s diagram types. I guess with a simple mermaid upgrade we could get both class diagrams & state diagrams. These two types of diagrams would be really helpful in documenting our code. http...
- grades: List[int]+__init__(name: str, age: int, grades: List[int])+get_average_grade() : -> float 上面的类图使用了mermaid语法中的classDiagram标识符来表示一个类图。类图中包含一个MyClass类,该类有三个私有属性name、age和grades,以及一个公有方法`__init...
使用mermaid gannt图 示例 gantt title 南北朝朝代更迭 dateFormat YYYY section 北朝 东魏 :b2,0534,0550 北齐 :b4,after b2,0577 北魏 :b1,0420,0534 隋 :b6,0582,0589 北周 :b5,after
'mermaid': minor --- Class diagram changes: - Updates the class diagram to the new unified way of rendering. - Includes a new "classBox" shape to be used in diagrams - Other updates such as: - the option to hide the empty members box in class diagrams, - support for handDrawn look...
Automatically generate class diagram from code. Supports Graphviz, PlantUML and Mermaid output formats. graphvizumlplantumlmaven-pluginuml-diagrammermaidhacktoberfestuml-diagramsclass-diagram UpdatedJan 12, 2025 Java lucsorel/py2puml Star231 Code ...
The UML shape library in Lucidchart can help you create nearly any custom class diagram using our UML diagram tool. And with our diagram as code feature, it’s easier and faster than ever. You can create a fully custom class diagram and add it to your Lucidchart document using Mermaid codi...
If you’re interested in seeing the code that generates thediagramsargument, see theToMermaidClassDiagramextension method. As an example of what this renders like within theCODE_METRICS.mdMarkdown file, see the following diagram: Summary