类与类之间的关系图(Class Diagram,UML图) 作者:灵动生活 一、简介 类是对象的集合,展示了对象的结构以及与系统的交互行为。类主要有属性(Attribute)和方法(Method)构成,属性代表对象的状态,如果属性被保存到数据库,此称之为“持久化”;方法代表对象的操作行为,类具有继承关系,可以继承于父类,也可以与其他的Class...
类是对象的集合,展示了对象的结构以及与系统的交互行为。类主要有属性(Attribute)和方法(Method)构成,属性代表对象的状态,如果属性被保存到数据库,此称之为“持久化”;方法代表对象的操作行为,类具有继承关系,可以继承于父类,也可以与其他的Class进行交互。 类图展示了系统的逻辑结构,类和接口的关系。 二、类的构成...
UML基础之Class Diagram UML中,类图的使用最为广泛,一个类图包括三部分: properties attribute指普通的变量 它有以下几个性质 visibility“-”表示此变量为private,“+”表示为public,“#”表示protected,“~”表示package name指变量的名称 type指变量的类型 multiplicity多样性 default values默认值 {property-string}...
Signature of an Attribute An attribute's signature is the line that represents it in a class or interface on a UML class diagram. It has this form: 复制 + AttributeName : TypeName [*] + denotes public Visibility. The other permitted values are - (private), # (protected), ~ (package)...
DesignerHasDiagram 构造函数 字段 属性 方法 DesignerHasDiagramSerializer DesignerSerializer 图示 DiagramElement DiagramElementHasDecorators DiagramElementHasDecoratorsSerializer DiagramElementMap DiagramElementMapHasDecoratorMaps DiagramElementMapHasDecoratorMapsSerializer ...
Choosing whether an attribute should be shown inline or as an association is really a question of what the focus of the diagram should be. Using inline attributes takes the spotlight away from the associations between MyClass and the other classes, but is a much more efficient use of space....
While there are too many to list here, you can see some of the most common interactions on our class diagram definition page. In Lucidchart, you can indicate relationships between objects by drawing a line and then changing the notation style as needed....
RepresentsClass.Description", typeof(DslDefinitionModelDomainModel), "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Modeling.DslDefinition.GeneratedCode.DomainModelResx")] [DomainModelOwnerAttribute(typeof(DslDefinitionModelDomainModel))] [CLSCompliantAttribute(true)] [DomainRelationshipAttribute] public sealed class DiagramRepresents...
Default value is to return the VisiblePreference for the Diagram hosting this Shape. (Inherited from ShapeElement) Events Returns the list of event handlers attached to this ShapeElement. (Inherited from ShapeElement) FixedFlags Gets the FixedFlags properties for a GraphNode. (Inherited from...
ConnectorLockingExtensionList ContourColor CubicBezierCurveTo CustomColor CustomColorList CustomDash CustomGeometry Dark1Color Dark2Color DashStop DataModelExtension DefaultParagraphProperties DefaultRunProperties DefaultShapeDefinitionType Diagram DiagramBuildStepValues Duotone EastAsianFont Effect EffectContainer Effect...