<element xmi:type="uml:Property" href="ClassDiagram.uml#_-0NksAC0EeaM-rZVOSLjrw"/> <layoutConstraint xmi:type="notation:Location" xmi:id="_-0hGsQC0EeaM-rZVOSLjrw"/> </children> <children xmi:type="notation:Shape" xmi:id="__T0R0AC0EeaM-rZVOSLjrw" type="3012"> <element xmi...
e.g. Buy a pen, add a laptop to cart during checkout, get a free laptop Vulnerabilities found in over 50% of all eCommerce web sites Weak DB isolation defaults Improper use of transactional scope Failing to use any transactions whatsoever Chase Bank's credit card rewards system Concurrent...
The scenario is an ecommerce store that sells red and blue widgets. The following spreadsheet shows the sample data setup: (Sample data for a new chart) Notice that the "A" column is used for the first six months of the year. Column "B" has the number of sales...
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