ComponentDiagram ComponentFile CompositeTask 组合 COMPrivate ComputedColumn ComputedColumnDisabled ComputedColumnError ComputedColumnWarning Computer ComputerService COMWarning ConditionalLoop ConditionalRule ConditionalRuleIfThen ConePreview ConfigurationEditor ConfigurationFile ConfigureComputer ConfigureDatabaseWizard Confirm...
Unit5_1(Class_Diagram)可视化建模与UML 石振莲软件学院 ArchitectureViews 设计视图 DesignView 实现视图 ImplementationView Analysts/DesignersStructure End-userFunctionality 用例视图Use-CaseView ProgrammersSoftwaremanagement ProcessView SystemintegratorsPerformanceScalabilityThroughput Deployment...
independent of the Computer aggregation Composition semantics Composition is a form of aggregation, with strong ownership and coincident lifetime as part of the whole Mouse Button 1 1..4 composition is a strong form of aggregation composite part composition The buttons have no independent existence. ...
A UML class diagram describes the object and information structures used by your application, both internally and in communication with its users. It describes the information without reference to any particular implementation. Its classes and relationships can be implemented in many ways, such as data...
Secondly, this study only analyzed OE as a whole, because the one-dimensional aggregation analysis was adopted from the original database. However, the content of OE is diverse, and its happiness effect is likely to be heterogeneous. Therefore, it is necessary to broaden the research and ...
The sliding function 𝑆′S′, re-written as follows, realized is the aggregation of the components coming from op-amp SM1, DEDT and IA, respectively, by the adder circuit. 𝑆′=(𝑣𝑟𝑒𝑓−𝛽𝑣𝑐)+1𝛼[𝑑𝑣𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑑𝑡]−1𝛼[𝛽𝐶𝑓]𝑖𝑐.S′=...
Has-a: In the UML class diagram (instance-level), the has-a relationship refers to composition. Aggregation is a variant of the "has-a" association relationship. Their differences lie mainly in: composition:(1). is usally used to represent whole-part relationships, e.g. an engine is a ...
Class Design Overview 2 Objectives: Class Design Define the purpose of Class Design and where in the lifecycle it is performed Identify additional classes and relationships needed to support implementation of the chosen architectural mechanisms ...
上面的类图展示了“继承(inheritance),依赖(dependence),聚合(aggregation),组合(composition)”这三类关系,其实还有一个关联(association)(people to country),这是类之间非常弱的关系,仅仅从视觉上告诉人,类之间有关联。继承都了解,下面着重介绍另外三个。
ComponentDiagram ComponentFile CompositeTask Composition COMPrivate ComputedColumn ComputedColumnDisabled ComputedColumnError ComputedColumnWarning Computer ComputerService COMWarning ConditionalLoop ConditionalRule ConditionalRuleIfThen ConePreview ConfigurationEditor ConfigurationFile ConfigureComputer ConfigureDatabaseW...