The statement block CLASS class DEFINITION - ENDCLASS declares a class named class. Naming conventions apply to the name class. components of the class are declared between CLASS and ENDCLASS. Each component must be included in a visibility section after one of the statements PUBLIC SECTION, ...
原文链接:【MM系列】SAP ABAP 利用class创建客户/供应商主数据 回到顶部 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读更舒适。 回到顶部 正文部分 参照:cmd_ei_api=>maintain_bapi 客户BAPI:SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL
SAP ABAP 14(中日版)CONSTRUCTOR初期化函数、CLASS级别方法 1 收藏 简述:可以放在任意位置,它的特别之处就在于,CREATE OBJECT出来后,CONSTRUCTOR就会被自动调用,并且会被优先调用,不需要使用->或=>来调用。例子: REPORT ZCLASS5. *---CLASS的定义部分。 CLASS C1 DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. *---普通级别 DATA...
DATA(lo_abap) = NEW zcl_abap( ). "New way 这类似于下面的一段代码。 DATA lo_abap1 TYPE REF TO lcl_abap. "Old wayCREATE OBJECT lo_abap1. 当您拥有类的构造函数时,您可以在 ( ) 中传递值。 假设,您有以下类定义和实现。 CLASS lcl_abap DEFINITION. ...
the customer. These are for user developments. The tables assigned to these data classes are stored in a table space for user developments. In the following figure you can see tables assigned to different data classes. The figure presents the tables in the ABAP Dictionary and in the database...
Local classes consist of ABAP source code, enclosed in the ABAP statements CLASS ... ENDCLASS. A complete class definition consists of a declaration part and, if required, an implementation part. The declaration part of a class <class> is a statement block: CLASS <class> DEFINITION. ......
SAP Business Rules Management, User Interface Hi! Protected and private sections of dictionary classes' definition can be edited directly in ABAP editor by using "GoTo->Protected section", for instance. However, public section is display-only, probably for security reasons. Is there a trick to...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Like any other INCLUDE. See below: CLASS lcl_event_receiver_g1 DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. include zr_snax_class_defs. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_event_receiver_g1 IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD handle_toolbar. include zr_snax_class_info2. ENDMETHOD. MET...