Class Charts is super-fast classroom management software, creating school seating plans in seconds. Link our seating plan software with SIMS, Powerschool and more.
Class Charts makes it easier for teachers to focus on what really matters – helping pupils succeed. With simple tools to give rewards, manage behaviour and optimise seating plans, we help schools create positive learning environments where everyone can thrive. ...
The Series collection property stores Series objects, which are used to store data that is to be displayed, along with attributes of that data. The ChartAreas collection property stores ChartArea objects, which are primarily used to draw one or more charts using one set of axes....
chart.Series[2].DataLabels.ClearFormat();doc.Save(ArtifactsDir+"Charts.DataLabels.docx");}/// /// 将具有自定义数字格式和分隔符的数据标签应用于一系列中的多个数据点。/// privatestaticvoidApplyDataLabels(ChartSeriesseries,intlabelsCount,stringnumberFormat,stringseparator){for(inti=0;i<labelsCount;i+...
详细了解 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel 命名空间中的 Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.WorkbookClass.Charts。
Scatter Charts. This class is available in Office 2007 and above. When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is c:scatterChart.
Returns the number of charts in the worksheet. TypeScript getCount(): OfficeExtension.ClientResult<number>; Returns OfficeExtension.ClientResult<number> Remarks [API set: ExcelApi 1.4] getItem(name) Gets a chart using its name. If there are multiple charts with the same name, the first one ...
Highcharts. Chart new Chart( [renderTo], options [, callback]) The Chart class. The recommended constructor is Highcharts#chart. Parameters: NameTypeArgumentDescription renderTo string | Highcharts.HTMLDOMElement <optional> The DOM element to render to, or its id. options Highcharts.Options...
title.Font.Color=Color.Blue;// Set the "Show" property to "true" to make the title visible.title.Show=true;// Set the "Overlay" property to "true" Give other chart elements more room by allowing them to overlap the titletitle.Overlay=true;doc.Save(ArtifactsDir+"Charts.ChartTitle.docx"...
let chart = Highcharts.chart('container', { title: { text: 'My chart' }, series: [{ data: [1, 3, 2, 4] }] }) Members axes:Array.<Highcharts.Axis> All the axes in the chart. Type: Array.<Highcharts.Axis> See also: