Class A,是Class Amazing,基本上可以开Class B和Class C的类型的车及全体车辆。但是即使是Class A的驾照也不能够驾驶商业营运车辆,如果不是豁免,就必须申请商业驾照才行。商业驾照(commercial driver license)简称 CDL,其分类标准也是车辆重量,类型和荷载人数。商业驾照一般分为CDL Class A,CDL Class B, CD...
Class C Driver's License and Endorsements Needed for a CDL Class C License All Candidates for the Class C CDL license must complete the following requirements: You must pass a General Knowledge exam. This is required for any type of CDL license. You must pass the Pre-trip inspection. You ...
Class C licenses are a type of driver's license in the United States. They differ from other license classes, such as A, B and D, both in terms of what is required to obtain one and the sorts of vehicles you can drive once you possess one. Class C licenses can be commercial or no...
Canan Tasci
Knowing the difference between Class A, B, C, and D driver’s licenses can help you with the kinds of vehicles you can legally operate.
📌 Class D/Class C Non-Commercial:这是我们常说的普通驾照,分为Class D和非商务Class C。它可以让你驾驶轿车、SUV、皮卡等,甚至在限重下拖车。 📌 Commercial Driver’s License(CDL):如果你打算驾驶总重量超过一定上限的车辆或拖车,或者需要搭载多名乘客的车辆,那么你需要商业驾驶执照。其中,Class A是最...
在美国的驾驶执照(driver license)上,CLASS D 主要指的是一种普通乘用车的驾驶资格。在大多数州,CLASS D 许可允许持有人驾驶标准的乘用车、SUV、卡车或面包车,这些车辆的总重通常不超过 26,000 磅,而且不用于商业用途。为了让这个概念更加清晰,我会结合一些实际例子和案例来解释这个分类的具体应用。
在美国的驾驶执照(driver license)上,CLASS D 主要指的是一种普通乘用车的驾驶资格。在大多数州,CLASS D 许可允许持有人驾驶标准的乘用车、SUV、卡车或面包车,这些车辆的总重通常不超过 26,000 磅,而且不用于商业用途。为了让这个概念更加清晰,我会结合一些实际例子和案例来解释这个分类的具体应用。