border betweenairspaceandouter space at an altitude of 110 km and the right of passage of space objects throughtheairspaceofother States in order to have access [...] 表达该 意见的代表团提请委员会注意苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟在法律小组委员会分 别于 19...
Digital terrain model (DTM) is derived from LiDAR point cloud to provide an altitude-based class G airspace description. Following the FAA Aeronautical Information Manual, the ground objects that define the restricted airspaces are used together with digital surface model d...
Altitude can also be determined and may use an altimeter or the like. The use of a low cost IMU is possible with internal calibration by the system. Real-time attitude information provides for correction for crosswind and other drift enabling the system to have less down range dispersion. ...
C. 飞机飞行轨迹两侧各5海里的精确距离5nm accuracy distance on each side of the aircraft track D. 同一航迹和同一高度上飞机之间的10分钟间隔 10 minute separation between aircraft on the same track and same altitude 查看完整题目与答案 咨询VNAV(垂直导航)为飞行员提供什么详细指示: Advisory VNAV as...
That lower effective cabin altitude minimises flight fatigue and plays a part in reducing the impact of jetlag. Qantas will miss its promised ‘end of year’ debut of WiFi on international flights due to technical issues with satellite provider Viasat. ...
The position can include an altitude. The computing device can determine, from a plurality of possible airspace classifications, a first airspace classification at the position of the aerial vehicle, where each airspace classification specifies one or more communication parameters for communication ...
第2.4.2条 太阳高度角 solar altitude sun's altitude 太阳光线与其水平投影之间的夹角,也称太阳高度。 第2.4.3条 太阳方位角 solar azimuth;sun's azimuth 太阳光线的水平投影与正南方向的夹角。 第2.4.4条 地方太阳时 local solar time 以太阳正对当地子午线的时刻为中午12时所推算出的时间。
LoadFormProperty(*wf, _T("prpStartMaxHeightMargin"), ugAltitude, settings_computer.start_max_height_margin); wp = (WndProperty*)wf->FindByName(_T("prpStartHeightRef"));if(wp) { DataFieldEnum* dfe; dfe = (DataFieldEnum*)wp->GetDataField(); ...
c.Dist3KM = observerPos.Dist3(aircraftPos, a.Altitude) } } 开发者ID:skypies,项目名称:complaints,代码行数:27,代码来源:complaint.go 示例2: AirspaceToLocalizedAircraft ▲点赞 7▼ funcAirspaceToLocalizedAircraft(as *airspace.Airspace, pos geo.Latlong, elevfloat64)[]Aircraft{ ...