Class-based views:基于模型自动生成的视图。 在web开发中,为模型(models)制作各种各样的视图是工作量很大的事情, Class-based views简化了这些工作。 2 代码 CBVs可以直接使用,例如在urls.py里直接使用CreateView来添加学生实例。 其中每个参数的意思我们在本文最后面解释 fromdjango.urlsimportpathfromdjango.views.g...
使用Class-based View有两种方法,一个是在as_view()中直接传入参数,它会覆盖掉该View原有的属性,这种情况只适用于处理不复杂的情况,另外一个就是直接继承该View,然后覆盖其中的方法,属性等,实现自己想要的功能,如: from django.views.generic import TemplateView class AboutView(TemplateView): template_name = "...
# views.pydefsimple_function_based_view(request):ifrequest.method =='GET': ...# code to process a GET requestelifrequest.method =='POST': ...# code to process a POST request 而使用CBV来处理的话,代码如下: # views.pyfromdjango.viewsimportViewclassSimpleClassBasedView(View):defget(self, ...
这个步骤,完全可以通过 Class-Based Views 简化为: # fromdjango.conf.urls import url from django.views.generic import TemplateView # 引入 TemplateView urlpatterns = [ url(r'^$', TemplateView.as_view(template_name="XX.html")), ] 跳过了,是不是很方便呢~~Mark~~ 今天的内容就到...
1. Class-based Views 类视图并不是要替换函数视图,但是类视图可以简化代码和实现代码复用 装饰类视图 2种方式 装饰.as_view() fromdjango.contrib.auth.decoratorsimportlogin_required,permission_requiredfromdjango.views.genericimportTemplateViewfrom.viewsimportVoteView ...
Class-based views¶ A view is a callable which takes a request and returns a response. This can be more than just a function, and Django provides an example of some classes which can be used as views. These allow you to structure your views and reuse code by harnessing inheritance and...
1. 继承APIView并使用CBV方式重写 1. List类 fromsnippets.modelsimportSnippetfromsnippets.serializersimportSnippetSerializerfromdjango.httpimportHttp404fromrest_framework.viewsimportAPIViewfromrest_framework.responseimportResponsefromrest_frameworkimportstatusclassSnippetList(APIView):""" ...
If you have tried function based generic views in the past and found them lacking, you should not think of class-based generic views as simply a class-based equivalent, but rather as a fresh approach to solving the original problems that generic views were meant to solve. ...
I always use FBVs (Function Based Views) when creating a django app because it's very easy to handle. But most developers said that it's better to use CBVs (Class Based Views) and use only FBVs if it is complicated views that would be a pain to implement with CBVs. ...
The ajax_view function is written to modify a (function based) view, so that it raises a 404 error whenever this view is visited by a non ajax call. By simply applying the patch function as a decorator, this decorator is all set to work in class based views as well Share Improv...