Django provides base view classes which will suit a wide range of applications. All views inherit from theViewclass, which handles linking the view in to the URLs, HTTP method dispatching and other simple features.RedirectViewis for a simple HTTP redirect, andTemplateViewextends the base class to...
#mysite/views.pyfromdjango.shortcutsimportrender,HttpResponsefromdjango.views.genericimportViewclassMyView(View):defget(self, request):returnrender(request,'about.html')defpost(self, request):returnHttpResponse('post it')defhead(self, request):returnHttpResponse('head it')#mysite/urls.pyfrommysite...
fromdjango.httpimportHttpResponsefromdjango.views.generic.baseimportViewclassMyView(View):defget(self, request):#<view logic>returnHttpResponse('result')defpost(self, request):#<view logic>returnHttpResponse('result') django的URL解析器需要将request和相应的参数传递给一个可调用的函数,而不是一个类。...
The toolkit of base classes and mixins that Django uses to build class-based generic views are built for maximum flexibility, and as such have many hooks in the form of default method implementations and attributes that you are unlikely to be concerned with in the simplest use cases. For exa...
view 代码语言:javascript 复制 from django.views.generic.edit import CreateView class SSHAuthListView(ListView): template_name = 'app_name/sshauth_list.html' model = SSHAuth 说明:上面我没有给出filed的值,默认就是SSHAuth这个model中的所有filed都将被展示。其实template_name也可以不特别给出。如果你在...
Django REST Framework ——基于类的视图APIView和ViewSet——Tutorial 3: Class based Views Jump to bottom Learning Html Notes edited this page May 27, 2018 · 3 revisions APIView [APIView] 与ViewSet的区别应该是.get() or .post()并没有与CURD对应 问题 (AttributeErr...
FBV(function base views) 顾名思义基于函数的视图类 CBV(class base views)基于类的视图类 至于区别呢? 我觉得只是写法上的不一样, 实现的结果都是一样的, 我比较喜欢用CBV模式, 因为在Django中内部帮我做了请求方式的判断, 无需用户实现方法判断逻辑, 来看看代码的区别吧 ...
only the View class deals with the fundamental interaction of python classes with the Django request/response flow and infrastructure - while the other classes are just "one way of doing it" even thought those in are pretty hard to argue with.comment...
fromdjango.views.genericimportTemplateViewfromchartjs.views.linesimportBaseLineChartViewclassLineChartJSONView(BaseLineChartView):defget_labels(self):"""Return 7 labels for the x-axis."""return["January","February","March","April","May","June","July"]defget_providers(self):"""Return names ...