Sociology of Health Essay Use examples to show how class, gender, indigeneity or ethnicity (or a combination of these four dimensions) impact on the healthany psychopathology; conditions which today may be diagnosed as personality disorders orschizophrenia a double disadvantage, due to reduced access...
Hagan, J., A. R. Gillis, and J. Simpson. 1985. The class structure of gender and delinquency: Toward a power-control theory of common delinquent behavior.American Journal of Sociology90:1151–1178. DOI:10.1086/228206 This article presents a class structured theory of delinquency that attempts...
Gender Foundations in Health Data: A Data for Health Course from Johns Hopkins University 一堂課讓你認識肺癌(Basic Concepts of Lung Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment) from National Taiwan University Digital Media for Health Outcomes, English from Yale University Manejo moderno de la caries dental from...
ITCILO offers 58 free certificate courses in sustainable enterprise development, labor laws, and gender equality in the workplace. Certificates or badges can be earned by meeting course requirements. Courses are in English and several other languages. Here’s a selection: Continuing Legal Education 1...
BUNDLE: Ferguson: Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Class + Edwards: Writing in SociologyWe offer these texts bundled together at a discount for your students. Ferguson: Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Social Class Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Social Class: A Collection of Readings, edited by...
Manza, Jeff, and Debbie Van Schyndel. 2000. "Still the Missing Feminist Revolution? Inequalities of Race, Class, and Gender in Introductory Sociology Textbooks." American Sociological Review 65(3):468-475.Manza, Jeff y Debbie Van Schyndel (2000), "Comment: Still the Missing Feminist ...
Intentional Ambivalence: Gender, Race, And Class In A Popular Sociology Course On Children And SocietyWhen tomatoes were planted in steamed soil inoculated with spores of Didymellalycopersici Kleb., a large proportion became infected but very few became infected...
The control variables selected for the study included two parts: the first was demographic factors, including gender, age, education level, political affiliation, household registration, and income level. The second was social security and social capital. Social security can enhance subjective well-bein...
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry meets the Sociology and Criminology Classroom: Teaching Race, Class and Gender through the use of the Harry Potter Film SeriesSimon, Angela Kaye
From Chateau Latour to Chateau Bourdieu: The sociology of wine between empire, class, ethnicity and gender (or, the oenologic of practice)BOURDIEU, Pierre, 1930-2002STATE powerCOLONIESIDENTITY (Psychology)RACIAL inequalitySOCIAL contextMany sociologists drink wine, but hardly any write about it ...