assert(aklass != NULL, "correct bootstrap"); set_array_klass(java_class, aklass); } instanceMirrorKlass* mk = instanceMirrorKlass::cast(SystemDictionary::Class_klass()); java_lang_Class::set_oop_size(java_class, mk->instance_size(oop(NULL))); java_lang_Class::set_static_oop_field_c...
If you are using Bootstrap 3.3.7 then you can write below custom JQuery to fix this bug. $(function() { $(".apply-active").click(function() { // remove classes from all $(".apply-active").removeClass("active"); // add class to the one we clicked $(this).addClass("active")...
In addition to the standard bootstrap options, you now have access to the following options Modal widthSet the initial width of the modal. heightSet the initial height of the modal. maxHeightSet the max-height of the modal-body. loadingToggle the loading state. ...
Possible values are: - Live: Indicates that the secondary location is active and operational. - Bootstrap: Indicates initial synchronization from the primary location to the secondary location is in progress.This typically occurs when replication is first enabled. - Unavailable: Indicates that the ...
// <PCABootstrapSample>varpcaBuilder = PublicClientApplicationBuilder .Create(s_clientIdForPublicApp) .WithAuthority(GetAuthority()).WithLogging(Log, LogLevel.Verbose,true);if(withWamBroker) { IntPtr consoleWindowHandle = GetConsoleWindow(); Func<IntPtr> consoleWindowHandleProvider = () => console...
Hi Community, I've set up newly ACS 7.x ( in an RHEL environment and bootstrapped the application first time. The bootstrap is - 137685
.NET Core版本为:2.2AdminLTE版本为:2.4.18Bootstrap版本为:3.4.1font-awesome版本为:4.7.0 1、新建项目:AdminLteDemo,添加区域Admin在Areas/Admin/Views文件夹添加文件并分别添加如下代码:_ViewImports.cshtml @addTagHelper *, Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers ...
AuthtypeGbaBootstrap Obsolete. Authentication type for GBA Bootstrap Challenge. AuthtypeGbaNafKeyExternal Obsolete. Authentication type for GBA Network Application Functions (NAF) key External Challenge. CallComposerStatusOff Obsolete. Call composer status OFF from user setting. CallComposerStatusOn...
Cacl_table::Acl_user_attributes Class to handle information stored in mysql.user.user_attributes CACL_USER_compare Class that compares ACL_USER objects CActiveIndexInfo Cadd_args CAdd_dirty_blocks_to_flush_list Add blocks modified by the mini-transaction to the flush list...
active_writer : rw_pr_lock_tActiveTranx() : ActiveTranxactivity_count : srv_sys_tactual_data_type() : Item, Item_paramactual_dd_version_is() : dd::bootstrap::DD_bootstrap_ctxactual_flags : KEYactual_key_parts : KEYactual_table_definition() : dd::Entity_object_table_impl, dd::...