新闻中涉及的“a class-action lawsuit”(也可写成a class action)表示“集体诉讼”。 #自娱笔记# 语料积累。
Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against The USCIS Challenging Delays Contrary To Congressional MandateRajiv S. Khanna
Believe me just get a lawyer they know how to get peoples emails..I had one first class action lawsuit that was sent to my email I don’t know by who but I never give out my email the lawyer did it and I was apart of the company they accused. Just speak to your ...
class action lawsuit 集体诉讼;集体诉讼案件 例句 1.The retailer said it was pleased with the court's decision, which "effectively ends this class action lawsuit" .沃尔玛表示对最高法院的裁决感到满意——它“有效地了结了这桩集体诉讼”。2.Sometimes I think women should file a class-a...
索赔 Claim 团体诉讼 Class-action Lawsuit 结算制度 Clearing and settlement system ...|基于9个网页 3. 集体官司 另外在2008年的3月20日,马奈科技同意支付1125万美金解决一场集体官司(class-action lawsuit)。这场官司里,马奈科技被 …|基于7个网页 更多释义...
A class action lawsuit is a legal proceeding in which a group of people collectively bring a claim to court. These people have similar claims against the same defendant and are collectively referred to as a "class." The lawsuit is led by one or several representatives who are part of the ...
Noun1.class action- a lawsuit brought by a representative member of a large group of people on behalf of all members of the group class-action suit causa,lawsuit,suit,case,cause- a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy; "the ...
哟,class action lawsuit 轰炸,法l如果不能维护公民权利,那就是XX。但我相信美国政客有时候也会羡慕一下,阿尔法4 这种大杀器。 继TikTok和其母公司字节跳动之后,一群TikTok创作者也站了出来,对美国zf的剥离法律提起诉讼。代表这些创作者的律师Ambika Kumar在一份声明中表示:“我们的客户依靠TikTok来表达自己、学习...
Class Action FAQ Q:What is a class action? Q:What are the benefits of a class action? Q:How do I join a class action? Q:Can’t I just file my own lawsuit? Q:How are lawyers paid in a class action? For more answers and insight, please call us at (866) 691-0607 to ...
How Many People Do You Need for a Class-Action Lawsuit? There is no official number on how many people are needed for a class-action lawsuit; however, a judge is unlikely to move ahead with certification unless there are at least a few dozen. The more people the better but even a grou...