I am currently starting a class action lawsuit against Paypal for this very reason. I will be successful. Paypal has settled out of court for 10s of millions for such. Hang tight. My email is <removed> if you would like your compensation. Login to Me Too Login to Reply or Kud...
Someone already did the math and calculated it was cheaper to lose customers and the class action lawsuit than it would be to recall the laptops or cover repairs. Reminds me of when Ford decided it was cheaper to pay off families than to fix the Ford Pinto and it's...
Jason’s background in social media and user-generated content has allowed him to consult on multiple class-action cases against Facebook, including the Illinois Biometric Protection Act of 2008 (BIPA) lawsuit.Expertise Litigation Tech DD IP...
The $90 million IS for only this case, but this case is a *class action* lawsuit. That class is all Google advertisers in the US. That’s why they are saying ALL advertisers in their statement. Actually, all is not quite correct. I covered in my post on the story that advertisers...
I sold somthing on ebay for $60. Seller paid right away, and I shipped with my own money, and then seller fees are taken out of my account before I even get paid. So to sell this $60 piece I have to pay $25 of my own money while they hold the payment. I have 100+ ...