解析:Explanation:Using the 2n-2 formula for host addresses, 29-2 = 510 host address, so a 9-bit subnet mask will provide the required number of host addresses. If these 9 bits are used for the hosts in a class B network, then the remaining 7 bits are used for the number of networ...
network address 就是192.168.0(也称网络号)hostaddress就是0后面的那个2(也称主机号)子网掩码默认为255.255.255.0如果想看的话.可以在运行中输入cmd,进入MS-DOS.输入ipconfig /all便可看到详细的信息.(里面还有MAC地址.physical address)IP地址范围:为192.168.0.1-其中192.168....
public String addressRange() Get the addressRange property: The IP address range. Returns: the addressRange value.fromJson public static IpAddressRange fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) Reads an instance of IpAddressRange from the JsonReader. Parameters: jsonReader - The JsonReader being read. Ret...
public String addressRange() Get the addressRange property: The IP address range. Returns: the addressRange value.fromJson public static IpAddressRange fromJson(JsonReader jsonReader) Reads an instance of IpAddressRange from the JsonReader. Parameters: jsonReader - The JsonReader being read. Ret...
public String ipAddressOrRange() Get the ipAddressOrRange property: A single IPv4 address or a single IPv4 address range in CIDR format. Provided IPs must be well-formatted and cannot be contained in one of the following ranges:,,,
LocalNetworkGateway.Definition LocalNetworkGateway.DefinitionStages LocalNetworkGateway.DefinitionStages.Blank LocalNetworkGateway.DefinitionStages.WithAddressSpace LocalNetworkGateway.DefinitionStages.WithBgp LocalNetworkGateway.DefinitionStages.WithCreate LocalNetworkGateway.DefinitionStages.WithGroup...
set_last_rowno_in_range_frame() : Window set_last_sj_inner() : QEP_shared, QEP_shared_owner set_last_trx_id() : lob::bulk::first_page_t, lob::first_page_t, lob::z_first_page_t set_last_trx_id_no_redo() : lob::first_page_t, lob::z_first_page_t set_last_trx_undo_no...
AddRange(Int64, Int64) Adds a byte range header to the request for a specified range. AddRange(Int64) Adds a byte range header to a request for a specific range from the beginning or end of the requested data. AddRange(String, Int32, Int32) Adds a range header to a request for...
AddRange(Int64, Int64) Adds a byte range header to the request for a specified range. AddRange(Int64) Adds a byte range header to a request for a specific range from the beginning or end of the requested data. AddRange(String, Int32, Int32) Adds a range header to a request for...
Address Class IP Address Classes 1st octet 1st octet bits Network() and Default subnet Number of possible range Cressi do rok Host(H) parts of mask (decimal networks and hosts (decimal) ange) address and binary) per network 1-127** N.H.H.H...