ASTM E84测试-标准名称: ASTM E 84 建筑材料表面燃烧性能测定 ASTM E 84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ASTM E84测试-简介: ASTM E 84用于测定建材(包括固体塑料)的火焰传播速率(同时测定生烟性)。ASTM E 84方法适用于暴露的表面,如墙壁和天花板等。按ASTM E ...
ASTM E 84测试方法: 点火源为2个煤气喷灯,能量输出5.3MJ/min,位于试件之下,距样品190mm,平行于实验室火的末端,相距305mm,根据试验测得的火焰传播指数Flame Spread Index(FSI值)及烟发展指数Smoke Developed Index(SDI值)将材料评定等级。
ASTM E84防火classA等级测试关键字:ASTM E84,表面燃烧,斯坦纳隧道试验标准名称:ASTM E 84 建筑材料表面燃烧性能测定ASTM E 84 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials等级分类:高层建筑和楼道,要求FSI100的材料不符合阻燃要求。ASTM E84将实验测得的Flame Spread Index (FSI值)...
Fire-X Glasbord is a durable, fl exible building material and will not mold, mildew, rot or corrode. It exhibits excellent resistance to mild chemicals and moisture. The panel has a Class A rating for fl ame spread and smoke development when tested per ASTM E-84. Fire-X Glasbord is ...
Rigid flame resistant polyurethane foams are made by reacting an aromatic polyisocyanate with a mixture of 25-75% oligoester and another isocyanate-reactive material in the presence of a blowing agent at an NCO index of less than 300. These foams which have an ASTM E-84 Class 1 rating are...
In an effort to standardize fire safety standards, one fire endurance test has emerged as the industry standard for fire-rating materials—ASTM E-84.What Is ASTM E-84?ASTM E-84, also known as the Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials, is a test that...
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分享光伏板申请ASTME 108 火焰蔓延Class A 测试细节 ASTME 108 屋面结构 - 产品适用范围:适用于各类屋顶覆盖物,如光伏板,车篷屋面罩,沥青瓦、卷材屋面、经阻燃处理的木瓦和木shakes 等常见的屋顶材料,还包括光伏板等安装在屋顶的组件。Ÿ ASTM E108 Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings ...
玻镁板ASTM E84 Class A表面燃烧测试 ASTM E84测试-标准名称: ASTM E 84 建筑材料表面燃烧性能测定 ASTM E 84 Standard Test Method for SurfaceBurning Characteristics of Building Materials ASTM E84测试-简介: ASTM E 84用于测定建材(包括固体塑料)的火焰传播速率(同时测定生烟性)。ASTM E 84方法适用于暴露...
铁金属)B 有色金属(非铁金属)C 粘结、陶瓷、混凝土和砖石材料D 其他材料E 杂类F 特殊用途材料G 材料的腐蚀、变质与降级ASTM标准编号:标准代号 ASTM+类号+序号+制定年份。ASTM A487 grade 4 class E意思是类别中第4等e型一般用途承压铸钢材料,其合金成分为Ni-Cr-Mo( 镍-铬-钼)