The ICSE prescribes the syllabus for Class 8 students. The syllabus is prepared keeping in mind various parameters that help students to develop a strong foundation and help them in their further classes. Below we have provided subject-wise ICSE Class 8 exam syllabus: ICSE Class 8 Maths Syllabu...
S.S. Todkar, C.L. Bastard, A. Ihamouten, V. Baltazart, X. Dérobert, C. Fauchard, D. Guilbert, F. Bosc Detection of debondings with ground penetrating radar using a machine learning method 2017 9th International Workshop on Advanced Ground Penetrating Radar (IWAGPR) (2017), pp. 1...
Section III elaborates the implementation of the proposed DAAD algorithm. Section IV is devoted to a detailed reliability analysis of the transfer learning process in DAAD. Section V shows the empirical results on two kinds of datasets, i.e., image dataset and rolling bearings dataset, followed ...
Section III elaborates the implementation of the proposed DAAD algorithm. Section IV is devoted to a detailed reliability analysis of the transfer learning process in DAAD. Section V shows the empirical results on two kinds of datasets, i.e., image dataset and rolling bearings dataset, followed ...
Class D power amplifiers, one of the most critical devices for application in sound systems, face severe challenges due to the increasing requirement of smartphones, digital television, digital sound, and other terminals. The audio power amplifier has developed from a transistor amplifier to a field...