Group Theory methods in Physics from Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Partial Differential Equations from NPTEL Numerical Linear Algebra and Application from NPTEL Statistical Inference from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Approximate Reasoning using Fuzzy Set Theory from IIT Hyderabad Engineering...
Numerical Methods (1) Single-variable Calculus (1) Real Analysis (2) Convex Optimization (16) Functional Analysis (1) Applied Mathematics (2) Statistical Analysis (1) Probability (1) Group Theory (1) Engineering Mathematics (2) Finite Fields (1) ...
It is the numerical factor of a phrase with variables and constants. Degree of a Polynomial: In a polynomial expression, it is the variable's highest power. 4. Following concepts of class 9 RD Sharma book, give a brief overview of the chapter - Lines and Angles. It is important to be...
135 Accesses 12 Citations Explore all metrics Abstract Some exactly solvable matrix models are discussed. Possible applications to problems in physical chemistry are pointed out, in particular the Hückel problem, the problem of torsional vibrations of polyatomic molecules, and of vibrations of finite...
9thClass app for students is promoting self dependency and self learning ritual among Pakistani students. The self assessment quizzes of MCQs and solved numerical of Chemistry and Physics in the app enables students to solve problems by utilizing their logic. Students can excel in examinations by ...
NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths - Chapter-wise List Given below are the chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths. Go through these 9th maths solutions chapter-wise to be thoroughly familiar with the concepts. S.No. NCERT Solutions Class 9 Maths Chapter-wise List 1 Chapter 1 - Numbe...
Dorčák, L., 'Numerical models for simulation the fractional-order control systems', in UEF-04–94, The Academy of Science, Institute of Experimental Physics, Kosice, Slovak Republic, 1994, pp. 1–12. Google Scholar Matignon, D., 'Stability result on fractional differential equations with...
Chapter NoChapters 1 Number System 2 Ratio and Proportion 3 Algebra 4 Geometry 5 Mensuration 6 Data Handling ICSE Class 8 Physics Syllabus ICSE Physics Class 8 syllabus contains the basic level topics for the chapters that the students will be learning in higher classes. It is important that ...
It is necessary to understand the underlying concepts before trying to solve numericals. The table below shows the syllabus for Arunachal Pradesh Board Class 12 Physics. Chapter No.Chapter Name 1 Electric Charge and Fields 2 Current Electricity 3 Moving Charges and Magnetism 4 Magnetism and Matter...
On the other hand, trigonometric functions have examples in different areas, such as mathematics, physics, biology, and engineering. The sine distribution was proposed by [7] in the last century. The model’s creation arose from the need to calculate the impact angles on the moon’s craters ...