English subject of Assam Board Class 9 consists of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and descriptive type of questions. Grammar (Tense, use of passive voice, word order, narration, preposition, degrees of comparison, question patterns) is to be given more importance as it carries higher marks. ...
Students can go through exercise-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Maths Chapter 5 as well as other chapters available on Vedantu. This will improve their understanding of the chapter. Students must try to solve all the problems given in the exercise and refer to the solutions in case of any ...
A tanulás tanulása: Hatékony mentális eszközök, melyek segítenek megbirkózni a nehéz tantárgyakkal (Learning How to Learn) from Deep Teaching Solutions★★★(1) English for Media Literacy from University of Pennsylvania Fundamentals of Speechwriting from Coursera Instructor Network...
NCERT Books for Class 7 Science are available in all three languages: English, Hindi, and Urdu. We have also included NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science for each chapter for students’ convenience. These solutions are based on the most recent NCERT and CBSE guidelines. Read the complete ...
and wind…it’s all so beautiful and scary. I tend to be drawn to the darker side of the natural world, drawn to things that some may not see as beautiful, of course which is a matter of opinion…and my opinion and aesthetic tends to be romanced by the underbelly of nature and the...