echo "$0: creating neural net configs"; num_targets=$(tree-info $ali_dir/tree |grep num-pdfs|awk '{print $2}')#kaldi DNN 网络配置,是用户比较容易读懂的模型结构描述,在Kaldi中也称作xconfigmkdir -p $dir/configs cat <<EOF > $dir/configs/network.xconfig input dim=100 name=ivector input...
Neural Network Adaptive Control for a class of Nonlinear Uncertain Dynamical Systems With Asymptotic Stability Guarantees. Hayakawa T; Haddad W; Hovakimyan N.Neural network adaptive control for a class of nonlinear uncertain dynamical systems with asymptotic stability guarantees... Hayakawa,Tomohisa,Haddad...
1. 多类分类(Multi-class Classification) 在这一部分练习,我们将会使用逻辑回归和神经网络两种方法来识别手写体数字0到9。手写体数字自动识别在今天有很 广泛的应用。这个联系将会向我们展示我们学习到的方法是如何应用到这个分类任务的。我们可以拓展我们之前实现的逻辑回归方法,并应用到一对多的分类任务。 1.1 数据集...
The One Class Auto Associative Neural Network (AANN) has been investigated for solving various problems. Nonetheless, it is sensitive to the presence of outliers in the training set, which is known problem for one-class classifiers. For this, attempts have been done via proposing the use of ...
Hybrid neural network with cost-sensitive support vector machine for class-imbalanced multimodal data Although deep learning exhibits advantages in various applications involving multimodal data, it cannot effectively solve the class-imbalance problem. Here... KH Kim,SY Sohn - 《Neural Networks the Offic...
Neural network model. X = [ones(m, 1) X]; z2 = X*Theta1'; a2 = sigmoid(z2); a2 = [ones(size(a2, 1), 1) a2]; z3 = a2*Theta2'; a3 = sigmoid(z3); 再使用和predictOneVsAll一样的取最大值方法 fori=1:m,[x,ix]=max(a3(i,:)=end ...
Received07 July 2020 Accepted11 March 2021 Published25 March 2021 Issue DateSeptember 2021 DOI Keywords Graph anomaly detection Graph neural network Anomaly detection Unsupervised learningAccess this article Log in via an institution Buy article PDF 39,95... Artificial neural network classifier-based methods Artificial neural network (ANN) classifier is a supervised multi-classifier composed of one input layer, one or more hidden layers and one output layer. Each layer contains several nodes named artificial neurons which are connected with other...
Numerous researchers have investigated the extensions of convolutional neural network (CNN) [1] for semantic segmentation tasks [2,3], because CNN has outperformed traditional methods in many tasks such as image classification [4,5,6], object detection [7,8,9] and image generation [10,11] in...
See also [8] for an overview and discussion on end-to-end neural network MI learning methods. The term “MI learning” was introduced in an application of molecules (bags) with different shapes (instances), and their ability to bind to other molecules [9]. A molecule binds if at least ...