Letters Writing on latest format for students, Letters, Applications, Drafts on various categories formal and informal letters for class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 and College Examination.
Work on your writing skills for Hindi and English topics along with grammar. Science and Social Science are theoretical disciplines with a lot of long responses. Write all of the sentences in points to make them easier to understand. It is essential to write at a uniform pace without comprom...
Anurag Hindi Abhyas Pustika-8 01 Edition (Paperback) By Nageshwarlal ICSE Class 8 Sample Papers Sample papers and question papers help students to gauge the exam pattern and give them a fair idea about the importance and format of questions. ...
Three databases were used to assess the model: CEDAR, Bengali, and Hindi. The training and testing datasets extended double, and images were concatenated in combination forms: genuine-genuine signature pairs (GGSP) or genuine-forgery signature pairs. The regularized dropout (R-Drop) strategy and ...