MCQ weightage remains 20%. This shift assesses deeper understanding and problem-solving skills. CBSE issued the CBSE Board Class 12 admit card on its portal on February 5, 2024, for private students. Regular aspirants will need to get their hall tickets from their respective schools. CBSE ...
If your video course doesn't give you what you were expecting, either because of functionality problems or because the content isn't up to scratch, please mailcustomercare@packt.comwith details of the problem. In addition, so that we can best provide the support you need, please include the...
Check the table below to know the subject-wise UP Board Class 11 exam pattern: Subject NameExam PatternTypes of Questions Biology Theory Paper- 70 MarksPractical Paper- 30 Marks MCQ, Short & Long Answer Type Questions Physics Theory Paper- 70 MarksPractical Paper- 30 Marks MCQ, Short & Long...
JDBC MCQ RMI Java RMI Internationalization Internationalization ResourceBundle class I18N with Date I18N with Time I18N with Number I18N with Currency Java Array Class Java Array Class get() getBoolean() getByte() getChar() getDouble() getFloat() getInt() getLength() getLong() getShort() newI...
22.3.3..SSppeeccttrraaAAccqquuiissiittiioonn TThheeEEBBNNppoowwddeerreeddssaammppllee,,aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy1100gg,,wwaassccoonnttaaiinneeddiinnaappllaassttiicczziipp--lloocckk bbaagg((ppoolylyeeththyylelennee))wwitihthaaddimimeennsisoionnoof...