Click below to access the WB Board Class 8 Science chapters.Chapter No.Chapter Name 1 Physical Environment- Force and Pressure 2 Physical Environment- Forces active without contact 3 Physical Environment- Heat 4 Physical Environment- Light 5 Element, Compound and Chemical Reaction 6 Know about some...
It is time's demand that science education should be provided to all kind of students of the country and no student should be deprived from the benefits of it. New methods and techniques in education are having an increasing effect on the traditional approach to teaching and learning. Among ...
Ans: In 8th Gujarat Board Science, most students find Materials: Metals and Non-metals as the most difficult chapter. Q: How will Embibe help me learn Class 8 Gujarat Board topics? Ans: Embibe app allows you easy access to 3D video lessons with solutions to learn any topic, solve question...
Machine learning methods are pervasive nowadays, and classification is one of the main problems within this field [1,2]. Classification consists of predicting the value or state of a discrete variable of interest, called the class, given the values of other variables, called the predictive or fe...
The MOOC platform offers around 20 open, free and beginner-friendly courses in computer science such as Elements of AI, Python Programming and Ethics of AI. Around 8 courses provide free certificates. The course Elements of AI is on Class Central’s The Best Free Online Courses of All Time ...
Science, Maths & Technology Society, Politics & Law Digital and Computing. OpenLearn course (left) and assignment (right) Courses interleave readings, video, and audio materials, and they supplement them with auto-graded assignments, such as quizzes comprising multiple choice questions, as you can...
It has been released for all streams, i.e. Science, Commerce & Arts. To check it no login credentials is needed as it is made available in PDF format. After release of date sheet, candidates must prepare & concentrate on their studies for the examination as per the schedule. ...
275 in our MHS '60 bank account. Please give it some thought and record your vote. If you have more to say on the subject, please feel free to let me know what you think, and I'll post it on this website. If the poll doesn't work, please be sure you are logged in with ...
JSOS 12th Time Table 2024 is announced by Jharkhand Open School. Check here the JSOS exam dates for class 12th arts, science, commerce. You can also
The MOOC platform Complexity Explorer provides online courses and educational materials about complexity science. Complexity Explorer is based out of the Sante Fe Institute. Three of their courses, Introduction to Complexity, Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos, and Fractals and Scaling, have bee...