Inspection function has been integrated into the FTC Robot Controller and Driver Station Apps (Thanks Team HazMat… 9277 & 10650!). Audio cues have been incorporated into FTC SDK. Swap mechanism added to FTC Robot Controller configuration activity. For example, if you have two motor controllers ...
} 开发者ID:chazmatazz,项目名称:nestk,代码行数:31,代码来源:main.cpp 示例2: StartCapture ▲ voidStartCapture(){charrecordFile[256] = {0};time_trawtime;structtm*timeinfo;time(&rawtime); timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime); XnUInt32 size; xnOSStrFormat(recordFile,sizeof(recordFile)-1, &s...
Inspection function has been integrated into the FTC Robot Controller and Driver Station Apps (Thanks Team HazMat… 9277 & 10650!). Audio cues have been incorporated into FTC SDK. Swap mechanism added to FTC Robot Controller configuration activity. For example, if you have two motor controllers ...
Inspection function has been integrated into the FTC Robot Controller and Driver Station Apps (Thanks Team HazMat… 9277 & 10650!). Audio cues have been incorporated into FTC SDK. Swap mechanism added to FTC Robot Controller configuration activity. For example, if you have two motor controllers ...