Originally streamed on September 1, this show features the full awards selection panel discussing the awards programs and what makes a dental technology "Best of Class". Then the panelists take turns naming and discussing the 20 award winners for 2020, with acceptance speeches from a majority of...
Acknowledgments: The authors are indebted to ASEM-DUO India Fellowship Award (2020) for Students (to Sarmistha Biswal and Karina Caetano) and to their Professors (Sanjib Bhakta and Anindya S Ghosh). Sarmistha Biswal (SB) would like to thank the lab members of Molecular Microbiology Laboratory of...
This term is obtained from Equation (1) but can also be deduced from a common energy-balance relationship. The total number of students in the test classroom was 31, corresponding to Qi,ref. When the number of students is reduced during a measurement interval, the difference between Qi and ...