Over 10,000+ physics MCQs with comprehensive solutions are there in the BYJU'S physics MCQ online library. It covers physics questions of class 12, class 11, class 10, and class 9.
Students should be aware of all the chapters they will be studying in GSEB Class 12. The Gujarat Board Class 12 Physics syllabus is given below: ChaptersName of the Topic Chapter 1 Electric Charges and Fields Chapter 2 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance Chapter 3 Current Electricity Chapter ...
Class 12 NSO Syllabus Section 1 (Logical Reasoning) : Physics : Electricity and Magnetism, Electromagnetic Induction, Alternating current, Electromagnetic waves, Optics, Modern Physics, Semiconductor Electronics, Communication Systems. Chemistry : Solid State, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, ...
physics oscillations circular motion rotational motion gravitation wave motion elasticity kinetic theory surface tension electrostatics electrons and photons stationary waves wave theory current electricity semiconductors atoms, molecules and nuclei communication systems. magnetism electromagnetic inductions interference...
light, shadows and reflections chapter 12: electricity and circuits chapter 13: fun with magnets chapter 14: water chapter 15: air around us chapter 16: garbage in, garbage out gseb related links last 5 years question papers of 10th gujarat board gseb question papers std 11 science sem 1 ...
mcq light class 10 mcq the human eye class 10 mcq electricity class 10 mcq magnetic effects of electric current class 10 mcq sources of energy class 10 mcq our environment class 10 mcq sustainable management of natural resources class 10 mcq class 10 social science mcqs rise of nationalism in...