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Answer:The chief astrologer had predicted that a tiger would cause the Maharaja’s death and that he should be particularly wary of the hundredth tiger. So the Maharaja set out on a tiger hunt and was rather anxious to kill the hundredth tiger who could be the cause of his dea...
Frank Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 16 Lociare given here. The BYJU’S subject expert team has prepared solutions to help students obtain good marks in Maths. From the exam point of view, the solutions are solved in a simple manner, and students can secure an excellent score by solv...
Q. Adda247 School provides important questions for the CBSE board? Yes, Adda247 School provides important questions for the CBSE board and other states boards.
Know the NSO Syllabus for Class 9. Practise with an eye on time. Mark answers on the OMR Sheet while solving PYQPs or Mocks. Keep yourself away from distraction. Be consistent to boost your confidence. Take rest and be healthy.