attention. The proposed method in this paper is based on the following assumptions. (1) When a teacher is giving a lecture or interacting with students, such as asking a question and waiting for the students to answer, we think that students should look at the teacher. If the students are...
There are many implications of the focus on engaging students in practices for K-12 science and STEM education. For example, by providing students with opportunities to think about and use data, students will be able to question what data are and how they were collected. This provides students...
Realplay Mediaplay Realplay Mediaplay 在刚刚结束的第5届联合会杯的一场半决赛中,日本队在主场横滨凭借球星中田英寿出色的表现,击败了大洋洲劲旅澳大利亚队,昂首杀入本届联合会杯的决赛。 日本队同澳大利亚队的比赛恰逢瓢泼大雨,因此东道主的短传渗透打法受到了很大程度的限制,而打法简单实用的澳大利亚队则倒是机会...
Realplay Mediaplay Realplay Mediaplay 都说法网是黑马的温床,其实NBA也是卧虎藏龙之地,在6月7日开打的NBA总决赛第一场比赛中,不被人看好的76人以107:101胜湖人,爆出了一个不大不小的冷门。 NBA总决赛北京时间今天上午开始,休息了10天的湖人主场迎战两轮打了14场比赛的76人队。然而以逸待劳的湖人却有些不在...