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8 Microbes in Human Welfare IV 9 Applications of Biotechnology V 10 Organisms and Popualtions 11 Biodiversity and its Conservation 12 Environmental Issues Tamil Nadu Board Class 12 Mathematics Syllabus Students are advised to solve as many sample questions as they can in TN Board Class 12 Maths....
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 8 Microbes in Human Welfare 9 Bio-diversity and Conservation 10 Principles and Processes of Biotechnology 11 Biotechnology and Its Application 12 Evolution 13 Human Health and Diseases 14 Ecosystem 15 Organisms and Population 16 Environmental Issues Arunachal ...
Versions Notes Abstract The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) accessory protein, Vpr, arrests the cell cycle of the G2 phase, and this Vpr-mediated G2 arrest is implicated in an efficient HIV-1 spread in monocyte-derived macrophages. Here, we screened new candidates for Vpr-targeti...
Versions Notes Abstract Spring viremia of carp virus (SVCV) is a rhabdovirus that primarily infects cyprinid finfishes and causes a disease notifiable to the World Organization for Animal Health. Amphibians, which are sympatric with cyprinids in freshwater ecosystems, are considered non-permissive hosts...