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master Switch branches/tags Branches Tags Could not load branches Nothing to show {{ refName }} View all branches Name already in use A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected...
Diacylglycerol-a-D-glucuronide from Ochromonas danica (Chrysophyceae). J. Plant Physiol. 144, 272–276 (1994). 30. Eichenberger, W. & Gribi, C. Lipids of Pavlova lutheri: cellular site and metabolic role of DGCC. Phytochemistry 45, 1561–1567 (1997). 31. Wilkinson, S. G. Lipids ...
(Additional file2). Furthermore an additional receptor was identified as belonging to the GHR and PRLR subfamily. Phylogenic analysis of the CHD domain grouped this receptor with GHR, it also has the presence of a typical WSXWS motif seen in the CHD of PRLR, but not GHR and SLR. Due ...
InA. thaliana, SQDG is synthesized in the chloroplast by three unique steps (Fig. 4a): synthesis of UDP-glucose (UDP-Glc) by UDP-Glc pyrophosphorylase 3 (UGP3)17, assembly of UDP-Glc and sulphite into UDP-sulfoquinovose (UDP-SQ) by UDP-SQ synthase (SQD1)11,36, and the subsequent...
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P. et al. An intact unfolded protein response in Trpt1 knockout mice reveals phylogenic divergence in pathways for RNA ligation. RNA 14, 225–232 (2008). 25. Lee, A. H., Iwakoshi, N. N. & Glimcher, L. H. XBP-1 regulates a subset of endoplasmic reticulum resident chaperone genes ...