This raises the possibility that maternal and fetal micro- chimerism may play a role in such clinically important phe- nomena as immune ontogeny, vertical transmission of infec- tions, and tissue repair and regeneration by transdifferentiated stem cells. Particular interest has focused on the ...
getPhe() Get the phe field for the PAP record. int FibBaseAbstractType.getPnNext() An unsigned integer that specifies the offset in the WordDocument stream of the FIB for the document which contains all the AutoText items. byte[] PAPAbstractType.getPtap() Get the ptap field for the...
The dearth of new medicines effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria presents a growing global public health concern1. For more than five decades, the search for new antibiotics has relied heavily on the chemical modification of natural products (semisynthesis), a method ill-equipped to combat...
In other words, they are attentive to others, but they are also deeply concerned about needing to look out for 1 2 EMERY AND FINKEL themselves and not letting others take advantage of them (Ste- phens et al., 2014). This tension in the lower SES model of self— as both relationally ...
Nonetheless, the molecular dockings were performed and showed that N-benzyloxycarbonyl (N-Cbz)-substituted aldehydes are surrounded by hydrophobic residues Trp23, Phe174, and Leu216, similar to the aldehyde binding residues identified in AbHpaI. These properties offer an opportunity for AbHpaI to ...
UT4: the distance between Pro81 Cγ to Tyr144 OH is 3.0 Å; UT5: the distance between Pro81 Cβ to Tyr144 OH is 2.9 Å, and a close hydrophobic contact between 64 LTQW 67 and 161 MNLY 154 ; UT8: the distance between Phe75 Cε to Phe138 Cξ is 2.9 Å) Full size ...
gw pheircfhorwmaasnuctei l[iz1e0d] sttoippurleapteasre thinatt hthees tfoirrea gsehotaunldk tboe hsoulpepthreesasegde nwt,iwthains 0fi.v7eM mPian.uItneso ardfteerr ttohem diixscthhearcgoimngp oref stsheed foaairm, a. n air mixer was...
twuereaslesolecinticoonrpteocrhanteiqduPeMs (IC-ShOi-, theSquuseare(,agCeoarrnedlagtieonnd, earn),danIndfopremrsaotnioanlitGy afeina)tudrieds (naogtreseeaebmlentoessa,dcdonmscuicehntivoaulusneetsos, tehxetraclvaesrssifiioenr, neupreortfiocrimsma,nacnedinotpheins naepspsr)oaascihnpexuctefpeta...
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the most hydrophobic amino acid (kdHAla < kdHMet < kdHCys < kdHPhe < kdHLeu < kdHVal < kdHIle; kdH ≔ Kyte Doolittle Hydrophobicity index), its non-bulky and unbranched side chain renders it an excellent index of invariance of a given structure. Since...