types of bank accounts – savings, current, recurring, fixed deposit and multiple option deposit account 2) banking services with particular reference to bank draft, bank overdraft, cash credit. e-banking meaning, types of digital payments 3) insurance – principles. types – life, health, fire...
Reading Skills: This year, reading unseen passages includes a variety of objective question types. Rather than just MCQs, expect very short answer-type questions, fill-in-the-blanks, sentence completion, true/false questions, one-word answers, and statement-based questions. Both descriptive and fac...
accounts from incomplete records single entry system ts grewal textbook solutions class 12 accountancy volume 1 chapter 1- company accounts financial statements of not-for-profit organisations chapter 2- accounting for partnership firms- fundamentals chapter 3- goodwill- nature and valuation chapter 4- ...
class 11 accountancy statement of cash flows what is entrepreneurship consumer protection what is a fixed asset what is a balance sheet what is fiscal deficit what are equity shares difference between selling and marketing icse icse sample papers icse question papers ml aggarwal solutions ml aggarwal...
NCERT Solutions for Class 11 BiologyStudents of Class 11 are often confused when choosing the right way of answering the questions from the NCERT textbooks. To avoid this confusion, the subject experts at BYJU’S have provided the best possible solutions for each question, which can be viewed ...