Hands-on labs provide practical experience with various database technologies and best practices. Google Cloud Database Engineer Google Cloud via Coursera Comprehensive training for designing, managing, and troubleshooting databases on Google Cloud, covering MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Cloud Spanner with hands-...
Amazon Aurora MySQL and Amazon RDS MySQLfrom Amazon Web Services ★★★(1) Planejamento de projeto de IA generativa (Português) |Planning a Generative AI Project (Portuguese)from Amazon Web Services ★★★(1) Introdução à IA generativa – A arte do possível (Português) | Introduction ...
The setTrafficClass() method of Java Socket class sets the traffic class or type-of-service in the IP header for packets sent from the specified socket. The parameter (tc) should be in the range from 0 to 255(0<=tc<=255) else an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. ...